
5 Songs Your Horizon Zero Dawn Playlist Needs

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I Shall Rise by Karen O

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Originally created for Square Enix’s Rise of the Tomb Raider in 2015, “I Shall Rise” comes courtesy of Karen O, front runner of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. The parallels between the song and Lara Croft are obvious, right down to the title, and the song works just as well for Aloy.

Horizon Zero Dawn is, at its core, about a woman rising up to the occasion and becoming a hero. It’s only fitting that she get a song to reflect that change, and “I Shall Rise” is as good of a song as any. Her song fits Aloy so perfectly that people are probably making a music video for the game set to that song right now. It’ll fit at at any point in the game–whether you’re roaming the wilds, shooting arrows into people’s faces, or learning more about the world that used to be. And also climb up a mountain or high ridge and gaze into the distance as the chorus hits. For poignancy, you see.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight by The Tokens

Yes, it’s incredibly cliche to include this song in a playlist for Horizon Zero Dawn. That being said, you can’t really beat the classics, and the beautiful world that Aloy finds herself traveling could warrant a timeless song.

This is one that’s best to listen to while you’re traveling the wilds on top of a Strider, or when you’re taking some beautiful landscape and animal shots with the game’s photo mode. Or you could also listen to it while gazing at the wilds on top of a Tallneck. It’s up to you, really, just don’t listen to it while in combat. Nothing quite as jarring as soft melodies while being stomped to death.

The only question is whether or not Aloy would do the constant “Wimoweh.” It can get really old really fast, but on the other hand, it’s not like anyone would be around to tell her to stop doing it. So go ahead girl, Wimoweh to your heart’s content. Let no one stop you, just like with anything else in life. 

Supermoon by 65daysofstatic

It may seem jarring to include a song from a sci-fi space game for one about robots and bows, but it fits more than you think. No Man’s Sky’s soundtrack perfectly reflects the feeling of exploration and discovery that players experience in Horizon Zero Dawn. Aloy is allowed to fully travel the world for the first time, gazing at everything with a sense of wonder and hope. This is as close to exploring the cosmos as it gets for her, and there’s a lot to be taken in by along the way as you help others, gather resources, or complete missions.

Guerrilla’s action-RPG contains areas in the game where remnants of humanity remain, and those caves and bunkers are the best places to hear this song. Just open up the Focus and take everything in, maybe snap some pics and solve whatever puzzles there are in the caves. Listen to some audio logs, then head back the way you came and continue to travel the world.

Of course, you could always play the song as you go through side missions and explore the world. There’s sure to be plenty of amazing things to gawk at once you go off the critical path, and there’s plenty of lore to be taken in by, from the audio logs to data entries left by the Old Ones. Adventure is out there, and this song will make you want to be a part of it. 

It’s My Life by Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi has quite a collection of great songs, but “It’s My Life” is the one that everyone seems to have heard of well after its 2000 debut. They’ve managed to perform it live at almost all their shows since release, and it’s a song that’s introduced younger audiences to the rock legend.

The parallels between it and Horizon Zero Dawn are pretty much clear given how the song has been interpreted by many–Jovi included–as one about agency and taking control of your life. Aloy takes control of her life arguably early on in the game, after she’s decided to have Rost train her so she can participate in the Proving. The resulting training montage shows her grow as a hunter and a warrior, encapsulating that she’s a woman on a mission and won’t let anyone get in her way. 

It’d be easy to just say to play this song during the montage of young Aloy growing up and training, or during the Proving. While those are both incredibly viable options, why not say screw it and play it during the whole of Horizon Zero Dawn? Not only is it a complete banger of a song, but you can just imagine Aloy playing this if she heard it in an audio log or something, and singing along while roaming the wilds and sniping Grazers.

Brothers in Arms by Junkie XL


Horizon Zero Dawn has been compared to Mad Max: Fury Road for its focus on a matriarchal society and female protagonist. Aloy may not drive a War Rig or rip off a tyrant dictator’s face, but there’s no reason to believe that she couldn’t if she were in the apocalyptic hellscape that is Australia. Junkie XL’s soundtrack to the film is an excellent addition, and “Brothers in Arms” is arguably the best song in the whole enterprise.

Horizon Zero Dawn may have more moments of peace than Fury Road does, but there’s still plenty of action to go along with things, whether you’re trying to silently take down a herd of Watchers and Striders, or fighting a Sawtooth. “Brothers” is the perfect song for any such occasion, just don’t expect Aloy to spray her teeth with chrome before yelling “WITNESS ME!!!” and stabbing a machine, as awesome as that would be.

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
