
Early Reviews for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Are Positive

Fantastic movies and where to watch them.

Harry Potter

Early reviews for the Harry Potter spin-off Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them are in, and while not everyone is mad about the movie, critics largely dig this return to the wizarding world created by JK Rowling.

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At the time of writing, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them earned itself an average Metacritic rating of 73%, with a total of 13 reviews.

The most positive review comes from The Guardian‘s Peter Bradshaw, who gives the film a perfect score. “That entertainment enchanter JK Rowling has come storming back to the world of magic in a shower of supernatural sparks – and created a glorious fantasy-romance adventure,” the critic writes.

Jason Solomons, writer at The Wrap, says “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them has all the makings of a huge family blockbuster, but all the bloated traps of those, too”. Solomons states the movie “hasn’t quite got the balance right,” which is a comment quite a few critics seem to agree with, blaming the movie for its uneven pacing. Still, a 70% rating is quite favorable overall.

Empire‘s Helen O’Hara is the critic that currently likes the film least of all. She doesn’t hate it, but claims “it is so busy world-building that it occasionally forgets to have fun”. Optimistically looking forward to an inevitable sequel that could iron out the issues with this entry, O’Hara rates the movie 60/100.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them fast-travels to theaters using the Floo Network come November 18, 2016.

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Sven Boonen

As a self-proclaimed semi-adult, Sven likes to balance the pressure of journalism with the joy of video games.
