
Akiba’s Beat Gets a Colorful Music-Filled Trailer Introducing Its Cast

Feel the beat.

Akiba's Beat

XSEED Games has released a bran new English trailer for Akiba’s Beat, the upcoming action-RPG from Acquire. Akiba’s Beat is the sequel to Akiba’s Trip and follows a young boy named Asahi Tachibana, who’s living a lazy, leisurely life in Tokyo’s Akihabara district. Tachibana is what’s called a NEET (Not in Employment, Education, or Training), someone that is a bit of a shut-in living by himself in a humble but comfortable apartment.

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The game’s new trailer introduces Tachibana as well as the rest of the cast of Akiba’s Beat, and its fast-paced combat system. There are multiple playable characters, and it looks like each one will have their own theme song in battle. The combat system looks fast and frantic, with flashes and player’s skills almost matching up to the beat of the music. Take a look at the trailer down below.

Here’s a quick rundown for the story of Akiba’s Beat, straight from XSEED,

“Asahi Tachibana is a textbook NEET, living a lazy, cozy life in Akihabara, the infamous Tokyo suburb renowned for its proliferation of anime and video game merchandise, maid cafes, pop idols, and all other forms of counterculture indulgence. To him, every day is Sunday, and every Sunday is a fun day.

Little does he know, however, that every day is about to become Sunday for real! Caught in a temporal loop, where the day restarts as soon as it ends, Asahi is one of only a chosen few whose memories don’t reset with it. He and his merry band of time-displaced losers must now scour Akihabara for signs of “delusions” – people’s innermost fantasies made manifest, changing the cityscape and the behavior of its citizens alike. It is the duty of this ragtag team (whether they like it or not) to infiltrate and destroy these delusions, restoring the natural order of Akiba in the vain hope that this loop may be their last.”

Akiba’s Beat launches this December in Japan on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. The game is currently scheduled for an early 2017 release in the U.S. You can take a look at our hands-on impressions of the game right here.


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Twinfinite Staff Writer

Hayes Madsen

A connoisseur of all things RPG related, and always looking for the artistic expression in gaming. His love of Gundam is only matched by his love of Pizza. Playing Games Since: 1991 Favorite Genres: RPGs, JRPGs, Strategy,
