
10 Gaming Animals We All Wish Were Real

There must be a way!

carbuncle, gaming animals


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dragon dragonite pokemon go

While Pokémon may encompass a huge number of different species, we’re gonna be honest and say that they’re all too darn cool or cute for us to choose between. Pokémon are not only loyal to have wherever your adventures in life may take you, but they can always be returned to their Poké Ball should size or weight ever be an issue. Oh, and they’re pretty useful to have on your side if you ever run into any criminal gangs trying to take over the world.

Whether you’ve always wanted to fly on the back of a majestic Dragonite, or you’ve been envious of Ash and his incredibly cute and badass Pikachu, everyone has a Pokémon that they wish was real. Even better, we’d finally be able to live out our dream of being the very best there ever was.



Chocobo are the horses of the Final Fantasy world. They’re quick, friendly enough to let you ride them, and kinda adorable when you realize they’re quite literally over-sized chicks. These gaming animals are known for being intelligent, friendly, and quite ferocious in combat, they’re the perfect video game alternative if a horse was a little bit out of your real-life budget.

Besides, why would you wanna ride a horse if you can ride a huge bird that comes in a variety of colors and can use magic? We also kinda just want a Fat Chocobo because c’mon, it’s adorable!



First, we thought it was best to clarify exactly which Carbuncle we’re talking about. It’s totally the summon from Final Fantasy XV, and NOT the weird enemy from Final Fantasy III or some of the stranger Carbuncle’s from Final Fantasy’s earlier entries.

Providing a helping hand on our adventure during the Platinum demo in an adorable but pretty powerful package. With its huge pointed ears and fluffy white fur, it’s difficult to imagine this thing engulfing its entire surroundings in a whirlwind of flame.


yoshi, gaming, animals

If there’s a Mario character that can always put a smile on your face with its adorable, innocent looks, or its high-pitched jumping and nomming noises, it’s Yoshi. The green dinosaur has accompanied Mario on countless adventures, before his rise in popularity saw him receive his very own games.

So why do we wish that Yoshi was real? Well, not only is he another cool alternative to riding a horse but feeding him all kinds of different things would see him alter form and pick up all sorts of special abilities. We wouldn’t be fussy about what form Yoshi we got either. I mean, I sure ain’t gonna turn down a life-size, living Yoshi made of yarn, that’s for sure.


trico, last guardian

Trico is something pretty special. I mean, if you see a giant dog/bird hybrid walking down the street people are gonna be pretty shocked at just what magical creation stands before their eyes. Having seen a bunch of trailers for the game that show just how loyal a companion Trico would be on an adventure, we’re pretty sure we’d want our very own magical behemoth as well.

That’s not to say that Trico doesn’t come without some flaws, though. In the latest trailer, we saw what may have been a darker side to the mythical creature. With that in mind, searching for Trico in the real-world would probably be something you’d want to leave to the most experienced animal tamers.



As far as loyal gaming animals go, you don’t need to look much further than Daxter. The wise-cracking partner of Jak catches a ride and manages to always lighten the mood when it’s needed the most.

Always willing to offer a helping hand, or just correct you when you’re wrong in a hilarious way, there’d be no better way to brighten your day than watching Daxter get himself into all kinds of trouble. His confidence is never diminished, no matter how many times he may end up coming off badly, and that’s exactly what you need in a best friend. Someone find us a Daxter!


Spyro, year of the dragon, insomniac games

Dragons are great animals, not many people are going to argue against that, but while your stereotypical fierce dragon may seem like a bit too much of a handful to tame, Spyro is a little different. See, the purple dragon is chill as far as fire-breathing winged beasts go. He’s out to stop evil and he can talk, making communication nice and easy.

He may not be the tallest and fiercest of dragons, but he seems like the perfect companion for us folk not trained in… well… training dragons. He also rides a skateboard so that’s a neat party trick to show your friends and family.


gorons, animals, gaming

The stone-eating people of the mountains of Hyrule are a friendly, though intimidating-looking bunch. Almost twice the height and size of your average human, Gorons would have so many practical uses in life, and would make pretty good handymen.

Resistant to fire, an appetite for rock, and a relatively peaceful temperament make them seem like the perfect beings for research into volcanoes, or other relatively hazardous places on Earth. We’d also like to just have one to carry or move super heavy things around, too. Oh, and who doesn’t want to see a Goron break it down in real-life.


ratchet and clank insomniac

A near-extinct species in the Ratchet and Clank world, Lombaxes have a passion for anything technology and gadgety. Having some of the most advanced technology in the galaxy and also building some of the finest spaceships, you can probably get an idea as to why we’d like to have these guys inhabiting our world.

Not only would our wildest technological dreams come to fruition so much faster, but they’re also a pretty cool creature in general to have hanging around with you. Oh, and we’d want them to build a robot and listen to the witty banter between the two of them. But maybe that’s just us.



Alongside the Chocobo in the realm of Final Fantasy are Moogles. These tiny, but incredibly adorable teddy bear-like creatures are always there in the game to offer you a helping hand or a useful tidbit of information when you need it most.

With that in mind, who doesn’t want a bunch of these cute creatures filling the real-life world, offering you handy tips to live your life by?

About the author

Chris Jecks

Chris is the Managing Editor of Twinfinite. Chris has been with the site and covering the games media industry for eight years. He typically covers new releases, FIFA, Fortnite and any good shooters for the site, and loves nothing more than a good Pro Clubs session with the lads. Chris has a History degree from the University of Central Lancashire. He spends his days eagerly awaiting the release of BioShock 4.
