
Incredible Naruto Cosplay from Around the World

People say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and the best form of imitation in the world of anime is cosplay. Anime cosplay has become a life’s pursuit for some people and an incredibly fun hobby for others. This week we are going to take a look at some great cosplays inspired by the anime series Naruto.

Naruto, and it’s follow up series Naruto Shippuden, is filled with amazingly powerful and stylishly dressed characters, which makes it a perfect series for cosplay fanatics to try to imitate. In this gallery, you will see a wide range of cosplay styles. Some will be incredibly detailed and expertly crafted and others will be more casual and easily constructed, but all of them are as amazing as the people that are wearing them.

If a particular image or costume catches your eye, make sure to go over to the artists page, which is linked below each image, and let them know just how much you like their work. A craftsman always likes to know that his or her work is appreciated! These cosplayers put their heart and soul (and sometimes lots of money) into these works, spending days or sometimes even months recreating our favorite characters from the Naruto anime.

Want to see some of the best Naruto cosplay out there? Anime cosplay is no joke, and these are some of the most impressive, realistic, or downright exceptional Naruto cosplays we’ve found across the internet. Let us know which is your favorite cosplayer, and which Naruto character you think deserves to be cosplayed even more!

If you have any suggestions for upcoming galleries you would like to see, let us know on our Facebook page or drop us a tweet @Twinfinite. We love sharing amazing cosplay from around the world, and love video games and anime no less! Feel free to chat with us about anything, and as always, stay tuned for more news, features, reviews and more!


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