
Overwatch Tips: How to Play as Zarya

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Zarya in Overwatch

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Looking to play a tank that can take damage and deal it too? Look no further, Zarya is your hero of choice!

As the weakest tank in Overwatch, Zarya can be a tricky character for new players to control. At the beginning of the match, her damage dealing is next to nothing, but where she shines early on is her Particle Barriers.

The trick is to goad your enemies into attacking you or your teammates while you have your Particle Barrier up. Not only do you defend yourself from damage while also dealing damage of your own, you also increase the strength of your cannon! The more damage you absorb, the more damage you deal, making Zarya a formidable character the longer you manage to stay alive. So medics, take note! Heal your Zarya!

Keep in mind, Zarya’s Particle Cannon has a short range, so it’s important to stay close and keep that barrier on. But, as is the case with fast enemies, they somehow find a way to dash around corners safe from your cannon. Luckily, the Particle Cannon has a secondary fire that acts as a grenade launcher of sorts, great for dealing splash damage to multiple enemies. Suspect someones in a room you have yet to enter? Light it up with a Gravity Charge and force them out.

Zarya’s ultimate is one of the most useful ultimates in the game. She launches a gravity bomb that upon detonation, forces surrounding enemies to be drawn to it, trapping them for the duration of the ultimate and dealing damage the entire time. Take this opportunity to light up your enemies with your powered up Particle Cannon and charges. This ultimate also pairs well with Reaper or Pharah’s ultimate, making it easy to get a team kill.

Zarya’s Abilities

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Particle Cannon

A short-range beam of destructive energy that is great for putting pressure on enemies nearby.

Particle Charge

The alternate fire ability of the Particle Cannon lobs an explosive ball of energy to attack multiple enemies, inflicting minor splash damage.

Particle Barrier

A personal barrier that shields Zarya from incoming attacks. The barrier absorbs enemy fire, and channels the energy from their attacks back into her Particle Cannon increasing its damage-dealing powers and width of the beam.

Projected Barrier

Select a teammate to give them their very own Particle Barrier that shields them from damage for a short time, while simultaneously absorbing the enemy fire to make the Particle Cannon stronger.

Graviton Surge (Ultimate)

With her ultimate meter full, Zarya can launch a gravity bomb at a group of enemies. When the bomb detonates, it draws in enemies and deals damage to them over time while they’re trapped making them easy pickings for your Particle Cannon or teammates.

Backstory in Overwatch

zarya, overwatch, tips, character, strategies, hints, tricks, skills, abilities

Here’s Zarya’s official background information and story, straight from Blizzard:

  • Real Name: Aleksandra Zaryanova, Age: 28
  • Occupation: Soldier
  • Base of Operations: Krasnoyarsk Front, Russia
  • Affiliation: Russian Defense Forces

Aleksandra Zaryanova is one of the world’s strongest women, a celebrated athlete who sacrificed personal glory to protect her family, friends, and country in a time of war.

Aleksandra was born in a remote Siberian village that was on the front lines of the Omnic Crisis, which began some thirty years ago. Although Russian forces defeated the robots and shut down their omnium, the region was devastated by the conflict. Only a child at the time, Aleksandra was surrounded by the post-war destruction, and as she grew older, she swore that she would gain the strength to help her people recover.

Focusing on weightlifting and bodybuilding, Aleksandra was identified by the national athletics program as a potential star. She trained extensively, moving up the ranks while representing her country, and was expected to shatter longstanding records in the upcoming world championships.

But on the eve of the tournament, an attack came from the long-dormant Siberian omnium, and her village was thrust into war once again. Aleksandra immediately withdrew from the competition and rushed home to enlist in the local defense forces, sacrificing the life of fame and fortune she might have had.

Now she serves—a symbol to some, a stalwart fellow soldier to others. But for Aleksandra, it is a chance to use her great strength to protect the ones she loves.

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About the author

Nicholas Limon

Lover of all things film and gaming, Nick spends far too much time comparing film transfers and researching film theory. When he's not emptying his wallet expanding his film collection, he's usually hiking, cooking, or some combination of the two.
