
Dark Souls III: How to Easily Beat the Giant Crystal Lizard With This Trick

If you’ve already sunk your teeth into the much anticipated Dark Souls III, you may have noticed a suspicious soapstone message in the immediate starting area: the Cemetery of Ash.

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The message is signaling you to turn back from an ominous valley. If you’re a Souls veteran, you may get visions of nostalgia, as every game so far has boasted a difficult enemy right at the start, to throw players off and provide them with a serious challenge.

This area contains a Crystal Lizard, but not just any Crystal Lizard, this one is huge and nigh impossible to beat with your starting items. Unless you’re a true warrior, that is.

Dark Souls III

The problem is, this Crystal Lizard drops 4000 Souls and a Titanite Scale. Souls are what you use to level up and Titanite is the material used to upgrade your weapons, making this kill extremely lucrative for a character in the early game of Dark Souls III.

There is a cheap way to kill him, though, and it’s relatively easy to pull off. As well as the tough to dodge crystal spikes that the lizard summons, he often does a relentless rolling attack to shorten the distance. We’re going to use this attack in particular to our advantage.

Dark Souls III

If you can carefully lure the Crystal Lizard out into the main area and back up towards the cliff’s edge, you can bait the beast into rolling towards you, careering straight off the edge to his death. As soon as he dies, you will receive the 4000 souls and the Titanite Scale, and you’ll have a serious advantage at the start of the game. Praise the Sun!

If you need more help with Dark Souls III, check out our wiki!

About the author

Jordan Oloman

History and Archaeology student from Newcastle in the UK. Loves old school point and clicks, Death Cab For Cutie, and anything made by Double Fine
