
Top 10 Reggie Fils-Aimé Moments, Because It’s His Birthday

Here's to another 55!

Visiting the People

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The release of the Wii U was a big deal back in 2012, as it always is when a console releases. At the Nintendo World Store, fans were eagerly waiting at the door during the midnight launch. And of course, who should they see but none other than Reggie, visiting people in line. Once they learned who it was asking them what game they were playing during their long wait, folks freaked out, and if that ain’t just the sweetest thing, nothing else in this world is.

My Name is Reggie Fils Aime…

There’s no denying that Reggie Fils-Aime has a stage presence that instantly draws people to him. In his first ever appearance at E3 2004, the man lets us know what he’s all about with just a handful of words. And from that moment, he prepared to blow us all away.

Settle It in Smash!

Everyone loves smack talk, and Reggie is no exception. During a Nintendo Direct last year, he decided to throw down with Hungrybox in Super Smash Bros. It was a battle for the ages…

Get Rekt in Smash!

…Until Hungry put Reggie to work, at which point the Nintendo of America President got worked over like a steak with a tenderizer. Hungry delivered some pretty good shade, but Reggie got him with the best comeback ever: “I spend 16 hours a day running a company. You spend 16 hours a day playing Smash.”

Reggie Is-Amech

Back in 2014, Nintendo got internet sensations Mega64 to join them in the E3 festivities. Well, “infiltrate” is the more accurate word, but in any case, the guys did what they’re best known for and took things by storm. One such highlight of the video is when Reggie becomes a mech. And yes, it’s as great and ridiculous as it sounds.


E3 2014 is when Nintendo pulled back the curtain on Super Smash Bros, and they did so with a video that has to be seen to be believed. Say what you will about Nintendo, only they would do something as ridiculously awesome as kick off their presentation by having the President of their American department physically fight Satoru Iwata, the overall President of the company.

Reggie Meets Yokai

Nintendo first kicked off the Yokai Watch brand late last year, and promoted the release by getting Reggie involved. Some of the creatures have the ability to possess people, and Reggie finds out first hand as they put his body through the ringer. Who would’ve thought he could dance like that?

Honoring a Friend

The world was deeply affected when Satoru Iwata passed away last year. While Nintendo and Reggie gave a statement shortly after his passing, it’s Reggie’s speech at the Game Awards that brought home a strong message.

Muppet Mayhem

If you thought Reggie going up against Iwata at E3 2014 was something ridiculously cool, Nintendo did something even more bizarre for last year by kicking things off with Muppet versions of both men, plus Shigeru Miyamoto. It’s silly to be sure, especially when Reggie stops his rep count at Nintendo 64 and says his “puppet body is ready,” but at the same time… c’mon, you laughed super hard. … Right?

Are You Ready?

You all knew it was coming. The meme to end all memes, what will surely go down as the thing that’ll immortalize him for generations to come. Don’t worry about why it’s funny, just… just enjoy it. Enjoy Reggie.

Happy 55th, Reggie. Here’s hoping for another 55 years of awesomeness, both at Nintendo and in your own life.

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
