
The Far Cry Primal NPCs Will Sometimes Have Sex

Love is in the air.

Far Cry Primal takes its title quite seriously. The setting is wild and free, animals hunt you down and become your prey, and humans just can’t resist their primal urges.

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As you move through the land of Oros, you’ll encounter camps full of Udam that serve as their outposts. In previous games, these were just strategic placements for the opposing forces. In Far Cry Primal, though, they are your enemy’s actual home. Sneaking in at night will lead you to discover people hanging out, eating, sleeping, and partaking in coital embraces. Yeah, that’s right, you can find guards having passionate wild-person sex.

Seen here are two Udan going at it while I murder everyone around them.
Seen here are two Udan going at it while I murder everyone around them.

As I was quietly strolling through a camp with Simba (I named my sabretooth tiger Simba, by the way), we continued to pick off foes until we heard a rather curious sound. Moans filled the night air as fire crackled Udan perished. Upon further investigation, we found two warriors working on the next generation of Udan warriors with little care for anything else.

Enhance on the subject. Exhibit A: Doggystyle.
Enhance on the subject. Exhibit A: Doggystyle.

Naturally, Takkar couldn’t bring himself to ruin this passionate moment, he’s not a monster after all. But that didn’t stop the sabretooth tiger from ruining the night of romance.

This detail adds some realism to the natural world of Far Cry Primal, and adds to the sense of it being a truly living place. You can get more info on Far Cry Primal by checking out our growing wiki or reading our review.

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About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
