
Beyonce Gets a Near Perfect Agility Rating from Madden



You’re probably watching the Super Bowl all evening or are just watching it right now, and you’ve probably seen the Halftime Show at this point. In case you haven’t, everyone’s Queen of the Universe Beyonce nearly fell while performing onstage alongside Bruno Mars and some guys Coldplay. Fortunately, she had managed to pull a last minute save and made it look like she was just jumping back before continuing on with her dancing. Nice work, Bey.

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While a lot of people were impressed and took this as a sign of her continued flawlessness (which it definitely is), the Madden Twitter account decided to do her one better.

Sigh, if only she could be in Madden 2017. Actually, that would probably be a little bit unfair to have Beyonce wipe the other players away, but on the other hand, that’d be pretty dang awesome for the winning team, no?

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
