
Until Dawn Might Get an On-Rails FPS DLC

Wait, what?

It sounds like in addition to a sequel (possibly), Supermassive’s Until Dawn will be getting some DLC. But not standard “oh here’s what happened after the game!” DLC, but an on-rails FPS.

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Wait, huh?

Destructoid received an email that Sony’s performing testing in the UK on Until Dawn DLC. Currently titled Rush of Blood, it’s said to be an on-rails FPS that uses PlayStation VR:

Well you get transported around inside a mine cart; it’s very literally an on-rails experience. There are a few scattered jumpscares, as you’d expect, but I played the same 20 minute section twice (once with DS4, once with dual Move controllers), so I’m hoping the full DLC is a lot more padded out. I didn’t see which character I was playing as, I’m not sure if it’s specified, but no names were mentioned at all.

It starts off shooting targets in the snow, then moves toward a house and as you get deeper into the house, enemies start appearing (I believe they were Wendigos). The frequently reused jumpscare is the ‘ghost’ from inside the house in Until Dawn, who you end up fighting for the final area I played. Upon killing the ghost, the game would crash every time.

That’s…certainly interesting. Playing Until Dawn as an FPS doesn’t sound like a bad idea, but with on rail shooting controls? Not sure that could work. Guess we’ll find out if/when Sony comments on this.

How would you feel about Until Dawn as on-rails? Let us know in the comments below.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
