
Alan Tudyk Walked Out on Uncharted 4 After Script Change


It looks like things weren’t all sunshine and roses while developing Uncharted 4. According to voice actor Alan Tudyk in an interview with IGN, there were some script changes that made him uncomfortable and ended with him leaving the cast:

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“I liked it… they… ummm… they fired… ummm… [lets out a massive sigh] I left, I quit!  I mean, I left because they decided to go a different way with it.”

When Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley took over duties from Amy Henning, they pitched a story that was supposedly darker than what she’d originally written, leading to what Nolan North claimed was eight months of work being scrapped. Their changes made Tudyk’s contract null and void, and he saw that as an opportunity to book it. Tudyk wasn’t the only one who left; Todd Stashwick, who voiced the villain in the first trailer, also left after Henning’s departure:

“Todd was in that as well who is in Con Man and he did the same thing I did, which was ‘yeah we’re gonna leave now. Y’all are making some weird changes, we’re gonna leave’. Sorry Nolan, we left you, we just walked away, we abandoned him.”

Guess we’ll find out what happened with Uncharted 4’s development sometime after its March 18 release on the PS4. What do you think happened? Let us know in the comments below.

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Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
