
Halo 5 Isn’t Even Out and 343 Industries Already Has Plans for Halo 6 and the Next 10 Years

That's 2025. That's how booked Master Chief is.

In a Golden Joysticks Halo 5: Guardians special, Frank O’Connor (Franchise Development Director for Microsoft) and Bonnie Ross (Corporate Vice President and Head of 343 Industries) discuss how they are both psychic. It seems that 343 Industries already knows what will happen in Halo 6. Even further than that, they have a general outline for what will happen in the next 10 years and, ultimately, the fate of Master Chief. Frank O’Connor presumably pulled out a couple of tarot cards and said:

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“We do kind of know what’s going to happen in the next game pretty well at this point. We’re doing serious, real planning and even some writing on the next game already, and that’s a luxury – we’ve never been in that position before. So we both know at a very high level what’s going to happen in, say, ten years from now. But at that very granular level knowing what’s going to happen in the next game and that’s just been a great feeling for me.”

Meanwhile, Bonnie Ross dripped a potion into the well and followed with this:

“You can look at the ending of Halo 4 – and where Master Chief is and obviously we had to know where we were going to take Halo 5 and Halo 6 with that. You have an epic sci-fi universe and we have multiple ways that we can go with this story, but all the pieces are laying there. The canvas is there for us to paint.”

They’re completely aware, however, that these plans are loose foundations. There’s a general idea, but they did make note that “if you start making those stepping stones too rigid, then you’re not being realistic about the game development process.” So, in the end, they’re not actually very psychic, just, like, really good at planning.

Halo 5: Guardians is set for release on October 27 for the Xbox One. What are your theories on where the Halo story is going? Let us know in the comments below!

More Halo 5: Guardians


About the author

Yamilia Avendano

Founder of Twinfinite, playing games since 1991, especially in the simulation and action genres.
