
One Man Makes the Sword from Transistor for Real, and It’s Amazing

Hey, Red.

In Transistor, you play a girl named Red who travels around a destroyed city on her own. Well, she’s not really alone, she’s got a talking sword in her hands called the…well, Transistor. It’s the only real voice in the game, providing commentary and hints to the player. It’s an awesome weapon, so naturally, someone decided to make a Transistor of their own.

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Graphic designer and prop maker Harrison Krix has been building props since late 2007. His portfolio includes the Cael Hammer from Bastion, the High Fidelity gun from Sunset Overdrive, Half-Life 2’s Gravity Gun, and M8 Avenger rifle from Mass Effect. His newest project is the titular sword from Supergiant’s cyberpunk opus, and he’s been working on it since this past July.

Every few weeks, Krix would give updates on the Transistor’s progress.

Getting near the start of assembly…


One week later, and the endgame is almost here…

Can’t have a Transistor without the glowing voice!

Almost there…

Nothing wrong with taking a break with some relaxing tunes.

And it’s done and ready to be displayed!

Pretty cool, right? You can check out the rest of Krix’s stuff here. Tell us what you think of his Transistor in the comments below.

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
