
Donald Trump Declares Himself Batman, But Kevin Conroy’s Got Issues with That

He is vengeance, he is the night...

Most of the people who love Batman love him because of the classic 90s cartoon. The cartoon is so successful that it launched an animated DC universe and continuously brings voice actor Kevin Conroy back into the booth to be the Dark Knight. He’s voiced Batman in nearly every game with the character thus far, and was put to stellar use in Arkham Knight. No one can take that from him, not even Donald Trump, who told a young boy he was Batman at the Iowa State Fair:

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“Mr. Trump,” he said, aiming the camera at his benefactor.

“Yes,” Trump said, pulling on the lapels of his jacket.

“Are you Batman?” the boy asked.

“I am Batman,” Trump said.

Naturally, people didn’t take that comparison well, with current Batman writer Scott Snyder replying with a simple shudder. But Kevin Conroy went the extra mile with this tweet.

The only way it could’ve been better is if he declared himself Batman like how he did in Arkham Knight. Still, pretty awesome and epic of Conroy to take the time to do it. But then, what else to expect from the Dark Knight?

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
