Metal Gear Solid V’s Box Art Axes Kojima Name and Logo

It's not fun when dad and dad fight...


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Gamers were shocked when they learned that Hideo Kojima would be leaving Konami once Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain would release. To make matters worse, Konami’s been slowly downplaying or outright getting rid of any sign that he worked on the game. It’s a messy breakup to be sure, and now things have been escalated one step further.

As you can see in the two photos above, Konami has now removed Kojima’s name and logo for the box art of Metal Gear Solid V. You’d think they would let the man have that at least, given that it’s his swan song. But nope, they’re both gone in the updated version. What else can Konami do at this point besides remove him from the face of existence? It makes you wonder if Kojima has a final goodbye in the credits for the game and if Konami will remove that, too.

Metal Gear Solid V hits the PC, PlayStation and Xbox systems on September 1. Once you’ve got it in your hands, does this mean you’re done with Konami? Let us know in the comments below.

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
