
8 Things That Happen to You When You Attend E3

Bye, feet.

Your Feet Stop Working like They Used To

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E3 is technically four days long, but if we’re being real, it’s a week. It’s a full week of not only mental stress, but physical as well. You’ll spend as much time on your feet as you do in a chair, writing. And if you’re a brave soul checking out the Virtuix Omni, may God have mercy on you. You won’t even realize how many miles you’ll walk from appointments, your hotel, the conference areas, to get food, in general just as you traverse LA, until you wake up one morning and realize you’re walking a little like Bambi.

You’ll Forget How to Eat like a Normal Person

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Three hearty meals a day goes out the window when you’re at E3. You’ll be stuck in a time warp and before you realize it, it’s 6:00 PM and all you’ve eaten is a granola bar some random company handed you at one of your appointments. Indeed, what you’ll be running on is pure adrenaline, fueled by your nerves and your intense need to go on even in the face of utter exhaustion.

You’ll Rub Elbows with Many Celebrities (Editor’s Note: This Sounds Disgusting)

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You might meet, let’s say, Brandon Routh in front of you at the Halo 5: Guardians booth. Or maybe, let’s again just say, Steven Speilberg will walk by you surrounded by bodyguards akin to the Secret Service. It’s just a regular day at E3. Not to mention how many gaming centered celebrities you’ll see. Everyone’s at E3 checking out the latest games, from traditional media to that new Youtube stuff. No, seriously, everyone’s at E3…

Kanye West Will Bump Your Appointments

kanye west

Kanye West graced us all with his presence. It was glorious. Frequently, celebrities will bump press for their appointments, but for some reason, having Kanye West be the one to do it just feels right.

You’ll Stand in Line so Long, It Will Become Your Home Now


Provided you actually even stand. You should have no shame in sitting down in the lines, okay? They’re long waits. It’s a smart plan to conserve your energy. Don’t look at us like that. When you reach pure exhaustion, you don’t even care what’s on the floor under you.

You Might Play, like, Six Games. Tops

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The above is a picture of Twinfinite’s E3 team in their usual habitat: the press room. Most of your time at E3 will be spent not really playing games. On top of the fact that there are much more hands-off presentations than hands-on, you’ll likely spend time waiting for appointments, waiting in line, in meetings, or writing about the games you have been able to check out. There simply isn’t enough time in the showfloor’s days to see everything, but you’ll be grateful to see anything at all.

Zombies Will Scare the Shit out of You


Overkill was showing off their The Walking Dead game and hired a ton of cosplayers to roam the halls dressed up in full zombie attire. They weren’t shy and didn’t hesitate to get right up behind you so you’d turn around and be met with the prettiest face. There were a ton of them; we lost count of how many of those friggin’ zombies we saw.

You’ll Have the Time of Your Life

e3 2015

It’s all awesome, every single part of the conference. Even with all of the work and exhaustion that comes with covering E3, it’s still the best. But truly, the greatest part of it all is the people you spend the time with and share the experience with. If you have a chance to go, definitely take it. If you don’t have the chance right now, definitely work towards it. It’s one of the best parts of gaming and you have to experience it at least once.

About the author

Yamilia Avendano

Founder of Twinfinite, playing games since 1991, especially in the simulation and action genres.
