
5 Ways LEGO Dimensions Could Shatter the Competition

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The juggernaut formerly known as LEGO is officially stepping into battle against Skylanders and Disney Infinity with their very own toy based video game titled LEGO Dimensions. Many speculated that this would be happening, and to finally have it confirmed is nothing short of awesome. But, before the excitement sets in, we have to take a step back and realize exactly what’s going on.

This is not a battle that will be easily won, either. The behemoth that Skylanders has become is one that shouldn’t be toyed with. See what I did there? And although Disney Infinity isn’t as popular as Activision’s money printer, it has the benefit of access to some of the most popular, well-recognized characters in all of entertainment. There is also Nintendo with their Amiibo, but they’re playing a completely different game that they’re still working the kinks out of. The thing is, that no matter what company you look at, Traveler’s Tales certainly has their work cut out for them.

There are, however, a few things that LEGO Dimensions could do in order to secure not only success for itself, but also inch ahead of the competition. It’s gonna be tough, but it can definitely be done.


Buildable Sets


It has been confirmed that the gate on this LEGO Dimensions set is built by the player. That already sets it apart. LEGOs are known and loved for the building and taking things apart that comes with each of their many sets. Having the gate being an actual LEGO set is nothing short of genius on the part of developers, but why stop there?

Chances of having the ability of building worlds within the game are pretty much guaranteed considering the LEGO franchise and the fact that even Disney Infinity allows for this. But, having each new play set be an actual LEGO set is a unique approach that only LEGO Dimensions could properly pull off. Just imagine opening up a Green Lantern set and having to build his lantern. That would send fans into an excited frenzy, and have sets flying off of the shelves. Capitalizing on the fun that they are already known for will help LEGO Dimensions skyrocket into huge success.


Online Components, Please



Up to this point the LEGO series of games has had a lot going for it. Multiple characters, more universes than you could share a stick at, engaging gameplay geared towards fans of LEGO and newcomers alike, and local multi-player. You know what’s missing from that list? Online multi-player. It’s 2015 and none of the console LEGO games have had online multi-player, and that just isn’t going to cut it when going against the competition.

Every other developer with their hat in the toy game business has allowed for online multi-player, and even other ways to use the internet to increase the fun factor. Whether it’s tackling missions with friends in Skylanders or sharing one of your created worlds in Disney Infinity, the online component provides the games with a sturdy foundation that allows for more fun to be had even when the companies aren’t releasing anything new.

There is a certain joy to be had with online interaction. Meeting new people, discovering creations, or even just putting your own out there and seeing other players from around the world check out and enjoy them. Perhaps LEGO Dimensions could take it a step further past the whole level building or multi-player gameplay. Building custom vehicles like they allow you to do in Resogun or even completely custom structures to share with friends and strangers would really put LEGO Dimensions ahead of the competition. Use the LEGO namesake in order to take sharing creations to the next level will be perfect in getting this game pushed to the forefront.


Gonna Have to Make Some Deals


Fun fact: Disney owns most of the properties that have been selling like hot cakes. Star Wars? Disney. Marvel? Also Disney. Disney, however, does not own the studio behind the LEGO games, that would be Warner Bros. You Know? A rival company. Now some of you may be thinking “but there was that LEGO Marvel Superheroes game, they must be on good terms.” And yeah, that is true but this is a completely different ballgame.

Disney and Warner Bros. saw a mutually beneficial opportunity and went for it. In this case, Disney already has their very own toy game and has two huge movies (Star Wars and Avengers) releasing with the potential to push their toys out to millions of fans with ease. That presents a problem for LEGO Dimensions. Why on earth would Disney let another company capitalize on their huge releases as they are trying to the same, not to mention the fact that LEGO sets are absurdly popular and could potentially bump out Infinity figures. A deal between the two companies would have to be struck if LEGO Dimensions is to be able to include some of the most popular playsets and characters.

So if they hope to push out Star Wars‘ Death Star, or Stark Tower they need to have a sit down with whoever has the power to grant permission. Until then, we’ll have to settle for the expansive DC Universe and other Warner Bros. owned and original LEGO properties. Not that those are bad or anything, just that LEGO Dimensions could be so much more.


No Restrictions



One thing about Disney Infinity is that you need to have the proper set to use certain figures. Have the Avenger’s set but want to use Spider-Man? Well, that just won’t do, you will have to place the Spider-Man play set down on the portal if you want  to swing around as everyone’s favorite web-slinger. You could, of course, use any character in the Toy Box, but you couldn’t be blamed for desiring to use your toys with any one of your purchased sets.

LEGO Dimensions needs to allow players to mix and match as much as they desire, just like with regular LEGO sets. Creativity is the very foundation of what made the brand so famous, so nothing should limit that. Even if it means being able to play as Batman while following the Yellow Brick Road. An openness would lend itself quite well to LEGO Dimensions in a way that no other game of its type offers.




Nothing is worse than wanting something that just came out, but being completely unable to purchase it due to poor supply. That is exactly what has been happening with Nintendo’s Amiibo. They instantly sell out when released, and it is almost impossible to find them (at least the desirable ones) after the fact. LEGO Dimensions cannot afford to make Nintendo’s mistake.

LEGO toys are extremely popular. So popular in fact that they have their very own stores. It’s safe to assume that LEGO Dimensions sets and minifigs will be just as popular when they release later this year, so it must be ensured that demand can be met. If people are unable to purchase something for a long enough period, there is a pretty good chance that something else could come in and fill the void (like the already existing competition). As risky as it may seem, LEGO Dimensions needs to be aggressive with the supply. Ensure that everyone who wants a set can get a set.

Of course, they could still provide limited, collector’s editions of certain figures in order to keep fans talking. Nothing wrong with that at all. Just make sure all of the other pieces are readily available at game stores, and even LEGO stores.

Traveler’s Tales definitely have a mountain to climb with LEGO Dimensions, but it is an obstacle that can certainly be overcome. LEGO is already am immensely popular brand that is recognized all over the world, and that will give them a leg up, but resting on the laurels of a name won’t help push aside companies that are just as big. A little ingenuity and originality will go a long way in making sure that LEGO Dimensions comes out on top.

What are your feelings on the upcoming competition? Any ideas that might help this game out? If so, feel free to share in the comments.


About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
