
This Mass Effect Fan Art Makes Garrus Look Even More Awesome

It's time to give some props to fan art. First on the list is Mass Effect, and what better character to start with than our favorite Turian sniper?

They say art is one of the best forms of expression in the world. It’s something that takes more than just the ability to draw. It takes dedication, time, a willingness to fail, and a decently sized trashcan if you’re working on paper. There are some great artists out there, and video games go with art like honey with bees. There’s a lot of great art out there for games made by the people working on it, but then there’s also amazing art that’s made by the fans. No matter the game or its quality, there’ll be at least 20 drawings by someone that found value in it. Here at Twinfinite, we’ve decided to draw some attention to them.

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First up is Bioware’s sci-fi trilogy Mass Effect. The world is ripe with plenty of likable characters, but we thought it best to start with one of the best damn snipers in the galaxy, Garrus Vakarian. If there’s anyone in the galaxy you can fight with and trust to have your back, it’d be him. Here are 12 great pieces of art for Commander Shepard’s best friend. These fine Mass Effect works were made by Jaybirdy, MVestalarichytruong, Patryk Olejniczak, MyCKs, Lordmarshal, Ma-rin, and felitomkinson. You can see more of their lovely work in their DeviantArt profiles.

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
