
When Does the New Naruto Series Come Out? Answered

Return of the Hokage.

When Does the New Naruto Series Come Out? Answered Image by Studio Pierrot

The Naruto franchise has received a slew of new announcements and projects tied to its 20th anniversary, and a key among them was the reveal that a new limited-run anime series is in the works. Little is known about the project at this point though, and if you don’t constantly have your finger to the pulse of the franchise’s developments, you may be wondering: When does the new Naruto series come out?

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Worry not, as we’ve got all the information you’re looking for.

New Naruto Series Release Date

As noted in the initial reveal via the franchise’s main website, the new four-episode Naruto anime series is slated to come out in September of 2023.

While the exact release date for the episodes has yet to be clarified, it’s likely that the episodes would be put out earlier on in the month rather than later. This would ensure that the new series can stick within the Summer 2023 anime season as opposed to the Fall 2023 anime season, helping to bolster its chances of higher views due to its release before a flood of new shows is on offer.

This is just speculation though, and we won’t know for sure when the series will come out until its release window is much closer.

What Is the New Naruto Series About?

On that same note, it’s still entirely unknown what the new Naruto series will be about.

It could be a return to storylines focused around Team 7, with Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi embarking on a new adventure together. It could also be centered around the winning character of the Naruto Top 99 popularity poll held late last year and early this year, which determined the protagonist if a new manga spin-off. Heck, it could even be a collection of side stories related to the show’s cast, with each new episode looking at an entirely different storyline.

We really don’t know at this point, and likely won’t have a better idea until the new series’ release window draws closer.

For now, that’s everything we have to share regarding when the new Naruto series comes out. For more on the franchise, you can peruse the relevant articles we’ve got lined up down below.

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.
