
Top 20+ Best Skyrim Alchemy Recipes

Gain skill points, earn money, and get the upper hand in battle with the right potion recipe.

Image Source: Bethesda

Alchemy is one of my favorite skills in the world of Skyrim. Maybe it’s because I’m a crafter, or maybe it’s because I’m a witch. Either way, I love collecting ingredients in the open world landscape, snatching them up at shops in town, and brewing potions for power and profit.

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Here are 20 of the best alchemy recipes in Skyrim. Whether you’re looking to gain an advantage in battle, boost your skills in town, or make a quick buck, these recipes can get you there.

Most Useful Alchemy Effects in Skyrim

Eating single ingredients is an easy way to learn their alchemical effects.
Image credit: Bethesda

There are over a hundred ingredients and dozens of alchemical effects to discover. They all have their uses, but some are certainly more practical than others. These five alchemical effects (and the ingredients that produce them) can give you a quick boost in battle and in town.

Restore Health

This is one of the most essential alchemy effects in Skyrim for reasons that should be obvious. A health-restoring potion can make the difference between finally beating that gnarly monster or dying for the 47th time.


These ingredients all have Restore Health as their first effect, meaning you can eat them on their own for a small health boost, but combining them into a potion yields much more powerful results.

  • Blue Mountain Flower
  • Butterfly Wing
  • Daedra Heart
  • Rock Warbler Egg
  • Wheat


Sometimes even a heavy-duty health potion isn’t enough to defeat an enemy, and that’s where Invisibility comes in. An Invisibility Potion can help you sneak past them when beating them just isn’t an option. It’s also great for completing those stealth quests when you’re more of a Tank.


  • Chaurus Eggs
  • Crimson Nirnroot
  • Ice Wraith Teeth
  • Luna Moth Wing
  • Vampire Dust

Cure Disease

If the NPCs you encounter start saying that you look unwell, check your Active Effects because you may be infected by one of Skyrim’s many diseases. A Cure Disease potion can cure them all, including Sanguinare Vampiris, if you treat it soon enough.

Pro tip: If you have Hawk Feathers, just eat them. Cure Disease is an all-or-nothing potion – you drink it, and it cures your disease. But since Hawk Feathers have Cure Disease as their first effect, simply eating them will have the same effect as a crafted potion.


  • Charred Skeever Hide
  • Hawk Feathers
  • Mudcrab Chitin
  • Vampire Dust

Fortify Lockpicking

Some locations are absolutely loaded with loot, and when you run into a locked chest, you just know it’s full of good stuff. A Fortify Lockpicking potion can help you pick more difficult locks than your skill level would allow, giving you access to that sweet looty goodness inside.


  • Falmer’s Ear
  • Namira’s Rot
  • Pine Thrush Egg
  • Spider Egg

Fortify Carry Weight

Now that you’ve picked that lock and nabbed the rare gear inside the chest, you’re carrying too much weight. Great. Good thing you brewed a Fortify Carry Weight potion before you set out on your adventure. These potions increase the maximum weight you can carry for a limited time, allowing you to fast-travel into town, where you can drop off the goods.


  • Creep Cluster
  • Giant’s Toe
  • Hawk Beak
  • River Betty
  • Scaly Pholiota

Best Multiple-Effect Alchemy Recipes in Skyrim

Combining ingredients at the alchemy table yields powerful potions.
Image credit: Bethesda

The right combination of effects can turn a basic potion into a literal game-changer. Combining alchemical ingredients often yields mixed results, but these handy recipes can take some of the mystery out of the process.

Fortify, Regenerate, and Restore Magicka

This potion is an absolute must for any magicka-wielding player. It boosts your maximum available magicka, restores what you’ve already spent, and increases your magicka regeneration rate. This combination makes it possible for you to cast stronger spells with less downtime in between.


  • Jazbay Grapes
  • Moon Sugar
  • Red Mountain Flower

Resist Fire, Frost, and Shock

Taking on a group of mages can be an absolute nightmare to prepare for. How do you protect yourself from different magickal attacks coming from every angle? This potion is a lifesaver when one magickal resistance isn’t enough.


  • Fly Amanita
  • Hawk Beak
  • Snowberries

Resist Magic Plus Invisibility

You can use this potion to escape quickly when things get dicey in the middle of a battle. It will render you invisible so you can sneak out of harm’s way and protect you from any magickal damage your enemies may be flinging at you as you retreat.


  • Luna Moth Wing
  • Nirnroot
  • Tundra Cotton

Damage and Ravage Health Plus Weakness to Poison

This poison is one of the best ways to take on a monster that’s above your level. Ravage Health reduces the target’s maximum health, making them easier to kill, then Damage Health gives you a head start. Finally, Weakness to Poison makes future poison attacks more effective, so you can take them down quickly.


  • Deathbell
  • Giant Lichen
  • Skeever Tail

Damage Health Plus Slow

This potion is great for taking on wily creatures that just won’t hold still long enough for you to land your attacks. It gives a quick hit of damage to the target and then slows them down so you can finally get a hit on them.


  • Deathbell
  • River Betty

Most Profitable Alchemy Recipes in Skyrim

The right potions and poisons can yield a tidy profit at the Alchemy Shop.
Image credit: VGR

The recipes in this category may not give you an advantage in battle, but they will help you earn a lot of gold quickly. These pricey potions use ingredients readily available at alchemy shops, so you can easily brew a batch to sell for instant profit.

Fortify Carry Weight, Destruction, and Health

This is actually a pretty useful potion to drink in a dungeon when you’re loaded with loot and trying to make your way out. But its value might be worth more than all that loot combined at an estimated 818 gold.


  • Giant’s Toe
  • Glowing Mushroom
  • Wisp Wrappings

Damage Stamina Regeneration Plus Fortify Carry Weight and Health

This is a potion you probably won’t be too mad about selling. Boosting your health and carry weight is great, but not at the cost of your stamina regeneration rate. But at a profit of roughly 830 gold, it’s a perfect potion to brew when you’re low on funds.


  • Creep Cluster
  • Blue Mountain Flower
  • Giant’s Toe

Damage Magicka and Magicka Regeneration, Fortify Destruction and Health, Resist Shock

This potion is a whole mess of effects that you probably don’t want to bother with, so just mix it up and sell it for a tidy profit of about 610 gold.


  • Glow Dust
  • Glowing Mushroom
  • Hanging Moss

Damage Health, Fortify Carry Weight, Slow

This probably wouldn’t be a bad poison to use on an enemy. After all, improving their carry weight won’t raise their defenses, but slowing them down and damaging their health is a definite bonus. But at an estimated profit of 547 gold, you’re almost certainly better off selling it.


  • Deathbell
  • Hawk Beak
  • River Betty

Damage Magicka, Fortify Stamina, Regenerate Health, Invisibility

This is another one of those messy potions that just aren’t that useful in battle. But it will yield you roughly 545 gold in profit, so mix it whenever you can get your hands on the ingredients to do so.


  • Chaurus Eggs
  • Garlic
  • Luna Moth Wing

Rarest Alchemy Recipes in Skyrim

These powerful potions use some of the rarest ingredients in Skyrim.
Image credit: Screen Rant

These potions use rare and hard-to-find ingredients to produce powerful potions and poisons that can give you the upper hand in battle. These three recipes may be uncommon, but they’re definitely worth the effort of locating the ingredients for their massive benefits.

Five-Effect Potion

Only one potion in the game will give you five positive effects with no negatives. You’ll need the Special Edition patch to access Lichor and Watcher’s Eye to make it, both of which come from Khajiit caravans.


  • Fortify Illusion
  • Fortify Magicka
  • Regenerate Magicka
  • Restore Magicka
  • Spell Absorption


  • Dwarven Oil
  • Lichor
  • Watcher’s Eye

Five-Effect Poison

The only poison with five negative effects and no positive effects is the rarest in the game. It requires the ingredient Jarrin Root, and there’s only one in all of Skryim. But if you decide to use it for alchemy, you’ll have the most powerful poison in the game, dealing over 1000 damage if your alchemy skill is high enough.


  • Damage Health
  • Damage Magicka
  • Damage Magicka Regeneration
  • Damage Stamina
  • Frenzy


  • Blisterwort
  • Human Heart
  • Jarrin Root

Alternative Recipe

  • Crimson Nirnroot
  • Glow Dust
  • Jarrin Root

Purity Perk Potions

Attaining Level 100 in Alchemy unlocks the Purity Perk.
Image credit: Eurogamer

The Purity Perk, available at Alchemy Level 100, removes all negative effects from crafted potions and all positive effects from crafted poisons. Once purchased, the Purity Perk lets adventurers create powerful potions and poisons that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. Here are three potions that can only be made with the Purity Perk.

Fortify Carry Weight and Illusion, Restore Magicka

This potion is great for quickly escaping a dungeon full of mages when you’re overloaded with loot. And thanks to the Purity Perk, you won’t suffer any of the negative effects you’d otherwise get from these ingredients. Win!


  • Creep Cluster
  • Dwarven Oil
  • Scaly Pholiota

Fortify Destruction and Sneak, Restore Magicka

This beast of a potion can help a magicka-wielding player take down a room full of enemies fast. Fortify sneak so you can get in without being seen, boost your destruction for killer magickal attacks, and restore some of the magicka you’ve already spent.


  • Beehive Husk
  • Ectoplasm
  • Human Flesh

Fortify Heavy Armor, Resist Poison, Restore Magicka

Need a little more defense to get through that vicious dungeon? This potion will improve your heavy armor defense and protect you from poison while boosting your magicka so you can do a few more spells.


  • Grass Pod
  • Thistle Branch
  • White Cap

Of course, with as many ingredients as there are in the world of Skyrim, there are hundreds (maybe thousands) of alchemy recipes to be discovered. What are your favorite alchemical combinations in Skyrim? Let us know in the comments!

Hopefully you found this guide on the best alchemy recipes in Skyrim helpful. Before you go, be sure to check out our other coverage, including the best armor mods and other games you might like if you’re a fan of Skyrim.

About the author

Juniper Finch

Juniper (they/them) is a lifelong gamer, starting with Mario 64 way back in the day. They love all things cozy, from relaxing farm sim games to endlessly rewatchable comfort TV. Their all-time favorite games are the Sims, Stardew Valley, Skyrim, and Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.
