
Tower of Fantasy Server Daily Reset Time

Here's what the daily reset time is in Tower of Fantasy.

Tower of Fantasy

Almost every online or live service game has a reset time, and Tower of Fantasy is no exception. Resets are always exciting, as you’ll be able to farm certain activities or log in to get more resources, so let’s get into it. Here’s what Tower of Fantasy’s daily reset time is.

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Tower of Fantasy Daily Reset Time

Tower of Fantasy‘s daily reset time is 5 a.m. Eastern Time, and it’s uniform across the board and across all servers. Here are some quick conversions for other timezones:

  • UK: 10 a.m.
  • Japan: 6 p.m.
  • Southeast Asia: 5 p.m.
  • Australia: 8 p.m.
  • New Zealand: 10 p.m.

Knowing the daily reset time in Tower of Fantasy is definitely handy, as that’s when your Bounties will refresh, and you’ll be able to attempt them again and make progress towards your weekly activity score. As you keep doing your dailies and weeklies, you’ll eventually amass a good amount of Dark Crystals and Gold Nucleus to continue pulling on the banners.

Considering that there are different Joint Operation Battles available on different days of the week as well, the reset time will also let you know when the new day has begun, and allow you to plan those accordingly.

That’s all you need to know about what the daily reset time is in Tower of Fantasy. Be sure to search Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.

About the author

Zhiqing Wan

Zhiqing is the Reviews Editor for Twinfinite, and a History graduate from Singapore. She's been in the games media industry for nine years, trawling through showfloors, conferences, and spending a ridiculous amount of time making in-depth spreadsheets for min-max-y RPGs. When she's not singing the praises of Amazon's Kindle as the greatest technological invention of the past two decades, you can probably find her in a FromSoft rabbit hole.
