
Every MultiVersus Character Ranked, From Big Dumb Robot to Ultra Instinct Slacker

All 16 MultiVersus Characters Ranked

All MultiVersus Characters Roster Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

MultiVersus is a brand new free-to-play brawler that opens its beta for everyone on July 26. With a total of 16 people on the roster, some characters are more effective in combat than others, as with any fighting game. But what makes a character in MultiVersus effective?

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First and foremost, due to MultiVersus’ focus on the team aspect of the game, something to certainly consider is how good a character is in this mode. Another major factor to look at is how effective a character is at not only knocking another character off the screen but also how good they are at staying on the screen themselves, as this is a vital part of the game, given that it is how players win or lose.

It is also worth noting that no character thus far is entirely abysmal and unplayable. Even the lesser combatants have something to offer the player and can be used to win a match; just some are much more effective at this than others. If you aren’t sure where to start, this ranking should help you decide what character you may excel with.

Without further ado, let’s rank the 16 fighters in the MultiVersus roster.

16. Garnet

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

Garnet MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Given that Garnet is a bruiser class character, arguably the best class in the game, you would think she would be a fantastic fighter. Due to being a bruiser, she deals good damage, but unfortunately, her major flaw is that she is too slow with her moves.

Unlike other bruisers, Garnet doesn’t have anything to complement her strong attacks and specials. The other bruisers really shine as they can go in for an attack and quickly escape from their opponent. When it comes to Garnet, though, it is extremely easy for her opponents to get to where she is and wail their moves on her, not to mention she also isn’t a tank, so enemies can damage her quickly. She does have some area of effect attacks that can help stop the beating, but as she is slow, even these moves often won’t help stop her opponents.

15. Iron Giant

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

Iron Giant MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

The Iron Giant isn’t necessarily a bad character, especially if you get to know his moveset he can be perfectly fine. He has one glaring weakness: his size. Due to his size, it is easy for opponents to get hits on the Iron Giant as opposed to the other brawlers in the game.

He is classified as a tank character though, so he can certainly take a punch, but due to his large size, he will get hit way too much. The Iron Giant also surprisingly, doesn’t have the strength to make up for it. Tank characters are best within the game when they have the maneuverability to go alongside their high defense. Still, sadly this brawler is the least maneuverable fighter in MultiVersus, making him easy to take out.

14. Steven Universe

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

Steven Universe MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Steven Universe is under the support class, which at this moment is the worst class of fighters within the game overall. Something that differentiates Steven Universe is that he is a character that focuses on defense, which, unfortunately, in this game, isn’t consistently helpful.

Steven Universe is all about being patient; you need to learn when exactly is the appropriate time to attack. In a fast-paced brawler like MultiVersus, this can be a serious problem as sometimes situations will call for striking your enemy when it’s dangerous. As he is a support character, his primary objective is to help his teammate, but whereas other support class members can hold their own against their opponents, Steven’s really only useful in hanging out and trying to help his partner.

13. Reindog

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

Reindog MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

MultiVersus’ original character of Reindog is a member of the Support class, which means that, sadly, he is not as great as most other fighters. Reindog does have some redeeming qualities, though. For instance, they can output heavy damage to their foe. They also have some elemental attacks that can be useful, along with having one of the best team assistance moves in the game, Love Leash. With Love Leash, Reindog can tether to their ally, even saving them from certain doom.

These are all great things about Reindog, but they are in this spot for a reason, which is that they are surprisingly easy to knock out of the arena, especially if their opponents gang up on them in team matches. This is an even greater problem because due to their size as they make for a decently large target and are also one of the slowest fighters in the game.

12. Velma

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

velma MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

The last support character in the game thus far, Velma does provide some interesting moves, but unfortunately, her class sadly doesn’t allow her to shine as much as she could. Velma has one advantage over her fellow support characters is that she has moves that are faster to get off, meaning that she can combo her opponents better than the others. Velma’s moves also don’t rely on supporting her fellow teammate as much as the other two support class members, so while she certainly belongs under the support class category, this doesn’t hinder her as much as the other two.

Velma’s biggest problem is that, like other support characters, it is easy for her to get lost in the shuffle when she is involved in fast-paced fights, as some of her more valuable attacks and specials can be confusing and hard to execute correctly when the player is in a hurry.

11. Finn

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

finn MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Don’t let Finn’s placement here make you think he is weak because some of his moves can be quite deadly, but there are some things that make this character not reach his full potential, as he is undoubtedly the worst of the Assassin class of brawlers. Although Finn can dish out some great attacks, unfortunately, he can’t really take them.

Finn’s passive ability, Fat Stacks, allows him to gain more strength for his specials by collecting coins from his enemies, but this often requires him to position himself in disadvantageous positions. As Finn can’t take as much damage as a lot of other characters, this means that gaining strength can be extremely dangerous, not to mention that he also has practically no ranged capabilities to help him.

10. Bugs Bunny

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

bugs bunny MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

As a mage character, Bugs Bunny shines when using his special ranged abilities, but this is where he also can struggle. These moves can take a long time to pull off, and unfortunately, they can be easy for opponents to spot as these moves are some of the most telegraphed in the game. They also can require a lot of precision in order to successfully hit their opponents for monstrous damage.

Thankfully, Bugs can’t really get overwhelmed by his opponents, thanks to his Bunny Burrow ability which allows him to escape in a tunnel on the floor of the arena. This makes him a great teammate as he can assist in getting both himself and others out of tight spots.

9. Wonder Woman

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

Wonder Woman MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

As a member of the tank class, Wonder Woman shines with how much she can take a beating and get out of it with minimum damage. Her Defense of the Gods special ability shines in particular as it provides both her and her ally a shield that absorbs a fairly good amount of damage and removes any debuffs on the characters.

As opposed to most other fighters, Wonder Woman can be majorly hindered by cooldowns. She has multiple moves that require a cooldown after executing, which can get to be pretty lengthy, meaning that Wonder Woman will often have fewer moves available to her than other fighters. Given how she can both take a beating and has moves without a cooldown that can be useful, she is still a fighter who is worthwhile to learn.

8. Superman

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

superman MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

A tank-class character, Superman, is the fighter that uses elemental abilities the most out of the whole roster. This makes him a valuable ally to have in team battles, as elemental attacks can be particularly fantastic when there is a teammate around to assist you. Also worth mentioning that Superman can take quite a beating and can output some considerable damage with his non-elemental attacks.

The biggest problem with the Man of Steel is that he can be a bit slow with his non-elemental attacks, meaning that it can be hard to land some significant damage on your opponents. The big difference between a fighter like Superman having this problem and a fighter like Garnet is that he is a tank character who can take more hits from opponents making the slower attacks less of a nuisance with him.

7. Arya Stark

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

arya stark MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

The biggest advantage to this Assassin class fighter is that she is one of, if not the fastest fighter in MultiVersus. Arya can be incredibly effective when going up against bigger and less maneuverable characters in particular, as she can quickly strike her opponents and then escape.

The area where Arya struggles, in particular, is that, like Finn, she doesn’t take getting hit well, as opponents can damage her quite fast if they manage to hit her. When Arya gets stuck in an opponent’s combo, it can be devastating for her and her health. Due to her small stature though, she isn’t as likely to get hit as some other fighters, which makes her overall a worthy fighter, despite her weaknesses.

6. Tom & Jerry

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

tom and jerry MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Tom & Jerry may be one of the toughest fighters to master in the game, but once you do, they can be extremely deadly, especially regarding their specials. As a mage character, like Bugs Bunny, the biggest struggle that Tom & Jerry has is that their moves require some incredible precision and positioning. This is largely why they are so hard to master, but thankfully your time should be mostly rewarded due to the great damage they can do once learned.

The biggest issue with Tom & Jerry is that even after mastering them, opponents can become wise to some of their tricks, making moves even harder to pull off, no matter how much mastery a player has over them. The best thing to do with them is to mix up your attacks as often as possible in order to make it harder for your opponents to predict what you will do next. Sure, this is pretty standard with most fighting games, but it is worth a mention here as it is particularly the case with Tom & Jerry in MultiVersus.

5. Harley Quinn

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

Harley Quinn MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Harley Quinn is an assassin-class character who can perform an incredible amount of damage on her opponents. Still, unlike her fellow assassins, she can usually take more of a beating as she is easier to recover from near death. She is also very maneuverable, thanks to being the perfect mixture of fast and slow. Another area where she differs from her fellow assassins is that she has some ranged capabilities, meaning that she doesn’t always have to get close to her opponents to inflict damage, which can’t necessarily be said for the other assassins.

Her specials can take some time to get used to, but once you do, they can provide some devastating blows against her opponents. Important to remember that all assassins are described as Glass Cannons, so while she can take more hits than her fellow assassins, she can’t take as much as most other classes.

4. Batman

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

batman MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Batman may be a bruiser character, but unlike the other bruisers, he has more of a mixture of melee and ranged attacks. Batman has excellent mobility thanks to his grapple, allowing him to get across the arena instantly, something players need to be careful with as it can sometimes be hard to control. His gadgets will enable him to get some fast attacks on his opponents for high damage, and he can perform big combos, both on the ground and in the air.

The biggest reason the Caped Crusader is not a bit higher is that it is easy to lose control of him sometimes and because his attacks can sometimes be situational and easy for opponents to dodge. Some of Batman’s moves also have a cooldown, which, although it can be easy to work around, can also be quite annoying. However, it can be particularly devastating once Batman gets someone in a combo, especially when in the air.

3. Jake

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

jake MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Another bruiser, Jake does deal a substantial amount of damage, but where he shines is with his area of effect for his attacks and specials. Despite not having really any ranged attacks, the area of impact for his melee attacks more than makes up for it. Although this does mean that he has to get up close and personal most of the time, Jake also has the ability to swallow his opponents and spit them out. If this is done correctly, it can result in almost certain death, especially if the opponent has already been dealt a lot of damage.

Like most other bruisers, Jake is easily maneuverable and can take a punch, making him a valuable brawler to learn, not to mention the area of effect of Jake’s moves and his ability to swallow enemies, which means he can dish out some extreme damage.

2. Shaggy

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

shaggy MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Shaggy comes as the first recommended fighter for a reason, as he is by far the most straightforward character to learn and master. As he is a bruiser, Shaggy can dish out major damage and is quite fast at doing so. While Shaggy’s standard attacks are easy to learn and dole out plenty of pain, it is his Zoinks! special that is his shining move. The move does take a minute to build up, but once you do, the damage increase that it has over his other attacks is massive.

Overall, Shaggy can easily wreck his opponents and move around the arena quite quickly. He may be a fantastic starting fighter, but he also is one worth sticking around with due to how good his Ultra-Instinct Zoinks! special is.

1. Taz

Every MultiVersus Character Ranked

Taz MultiVerse
Image Source: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Taz is, without a doubt, the best character in the game at the moment. His spin attack is incredibly deadly as it not only damages opponents significantly but can also knock them off the side of the arena with relative ease. Not to mention it is also one of the easiest moves for players to spam, making Taz a force to be reckoned with when dealing with him online.

Taz has plenty of other moves that, once a player learns, can result in devastating blows to their opponents though they can be a bit tricky to learn. It is Taz’s spin that makes him so good as he can use it to easily get across the map to damage his opponents as much as he wants.

About the author

Joel Tapia

Love anything gaming and entertainment. Favorite game genres include anything Kingdom Hearts, superheroes, and survival horror. Favorite TV shows include Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., WandaVision, Dark, and The Office. Can talk for hours on end about any of these things and more.
