Ever since My Hero Academia’s anime debuted in 2016, it has taken the entertainment medium by storm, as fans and non-fans of the anime genre alike have fallen in love with Japan’s take on Western superheroes. The show follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, a young boy born into a world without a superpower (quirk) despite the fact that over 80% of the population possess one.
When Midoriya is given the most powerful quirk in the world by his hero, All Might, his rise to becoming the number one hero in the world begins. Along the way to the top, though, he meets plenty of interesting characters.
That includes plenty of cool classmates, awesome rivals, and imposing villains. To celebrate all of those characters, we’ve come up with a list of some of the most interesting ones that you may have seen, but haven’t taken center stage. So get ready to go Plus Ultra, as this will be one of the most challenging My Hero Academia quizzes you’ve taken on Twinfinite yet.
If you loved this quiz, be sure to check out all of the other My Hero Academia content we’ve got below. That includes plenty of other quizzes, ranging from trivia to personality-based ones.
(Images Source: Studio Bones Via Crunchyroll)