
Monster Hunter Rise: How to Get Kamura Tickets

Monster Hunter Rise, How to Get Kamura Tickets

Completing the main story of Monster Hunter Rise doesn’t mean you’ve seen and done everything in the game. Once the credits roll, you’ll be given new side quests to complete, gear to craft, and resources to collect. That last bit can be easier said than done though, especially if you’re trying to figure out how to get Kamura Tickets in Monster Hunter Rise.

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Fortunately for you, we’ve already done the leg work and figured out how to get these pesky items. Read on to find out how to obtain them, and what you can use them for.

How to Get Kamura Tickets in Monster Hunter Rise

Kamura Tickets are obtainable after you’ve finished a few of the post-game quests, and are given to you as a quest completion reward.

Specifically, you’ll need to complete Kamura’s Handyman – which requires you to complete eight of the game’s side quests – and Overflowing With Furry Friends, which requires you to hire 15 Buddies. Both are given to you by Fugen the Elder, and he’ll automatically give you the first quest after you finish the main story.

Even better is the fact that you won’t have to do anything if you already meet these requirements. Completing eight side quests and recruiting 15 Buddies during the main story can count toward these quests’ completion criteria, and will allow you to instantly turn them in as completed if you’ve managed to do this.

Once both quests are completed, talk to Fugen again. He’ll then give you a few Kamura Tickets, and you’ll be able to start earning them regularly for completing any post-game Village and Rampage quests.

What Kamura Tickets Do

As for what Kamura Tickets are used for in Monster Hunter Rise, it’s about what you’d expect.

With them, you’ll be able to craft stronger variants of the post-game armor sets. This is highly recommended, as they’ll help you to overcome the more difficult hunts found in the game’s latter half.

Hopefully this cleared up how to get Kamura Tickets in Monster Hunter Rise. For more on the game, check out our guide wiki. It can help direct you toward information on other topics like how to get Butterfly Beetles and how to get Commendations.

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.
