
Genshin Impact Noelle Hangout Guide: How to Get All Endings

genshin impact noelle hangout event

The 1.4 update added a ton of new content to Genshin Impact, including brand new Hangout Events for players to spend time with characters outside of combat. There are plenty of choices to make, so here’s a bit of guidance. Here’s a guide on how to get all endings for Noelle’s Hangout Event in Genshin Impact.

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Genshin Impact Noelle Hangout Guide

Before you get started, make sure that you’re at least AR 26, and that you have at least two Story Keys.

Noelle’s Hangout Event has six endings in total, so follow along to figure out how to get each and every one of them.

Ending 1: A Defender’s Will Is Their Strength

Each ending for the Noelle Hangout Event takes you through different branches, and this guide will have you see the Training Ground and For More Experience branches.

These are the only choices that matter for this ending, so follow along to unlock it. Also, don’t worry about failing the timed monster hunts, as they won’t affect this ending.

  • “Of course, where do you want to start?”
  • “Maidly duties?”
  • “You lack strength!”
  • “Is it because you lack real-world fighting experience?”
  • “Noelle, you’ve always worked as a maid in Mondstadt, right?”
  • “Slimes are a good starting point.”
  • “We were quite far away.”
  • “This wasn’t training…you were trying to protect someone.”
  • “In the future, don’t leave everything to Noelle.”

Ending 2: A Maid Above Ground

Return to Noelle’s Hangout Event menu and you’ll be able to see the branches that you’ve already played through. You can now select a different starting point.

This ending will take you through the Training Ground and For Greater Strength branches. Choose to begin at the Training Ground branch, and select these choices this time:

  • “Because…you still need more strength!”
  • “Noelle really wasn’t kidding about her strength…”
  • “You did much better than I expected. To be honest, at first I…”

Ending 3: “Goodbye, Miss Maid!”

This time, start Noelle’s Hangout Event from the beginning, selecting “Honorary Knight!” as the starting point for this section of the guide. This ending takes the All of Life is Training and Guest From Afar branches.

These are the choices you’ll want to make on your way to getting the third ending:

  • “You know… it’s okay not to be a knight.”
  • “No matter how small the tasks, they still need someone to take care of them. I do small tasks all the time.”
  • “The strength to fight powerful enemies only comes with the experience gained during the completion of smaller tasks.”
  • “Think of every small task as a kind of training.”
  • “Not a trace.”
  • “They were only a few slimes.”
  • “Leave it to Noelle. She can take care of the situation.”
  • “…Noelle’s way of showing hospitality.”
  • “Easier to obtain?”
  • “It’s just Noelle’s way of showing hospitality.”
  • “Noelle, do we have anything else on the itinerary?”
  • “She’s a future Knight of Favonius.”
  • “It’s just Noelle’s way of showing hospitality.”
  • “But at least the problem seems to be solved.”

Ending 4: A Cold Reception

For this next ending, start at the Guest From Afar branch. This part of the guide will take you through the Guest From Afar and After Hospitality Comes… branches of Noelle’s Hangout.

This time, you’ll want to be a bit more intimidating.

  • “I’ll keep an eye on him.”
  • “Many times your height, without jumping.”
  • “…Made especially for you.”
  • “Brewing process?”
  • “This one was made especially for you.”
  • “This one was made especially for you.”
  • “Allow me.”
  • “If you understand, then nothing needs to be said.”
  • “He had to get back, it had nothing to do with you.”

Ending 5: Whisper of the Paper Rose

For the fifth ending in Noelle’s Hangout Event, start all over again by selecting “Honorary Knight!” to begin this section of the guide.

This one will include the A Breather, Sincerest of Gifts, and Promised Place branches.

  • “Of course, where do you want to start?”
  • “What you lack is rest.”
  • “Stopping for occasional rest is all part of ensuring that you can train to your maximum ability.”
  • “And speaking of tea, let’s have some!”
  • “I’ll certainly do my best…”
  • “Maybe the frequent small talk…”
  • “Gifts convey our intentions, we should choose carefully.”
  • “But let’s think about what Quinn might like…”
  • “Actually, we’re here to help someone else choose a gift.”
  • “The Frostening Bottle.”
  • “Cape Oath”
  • “Would you like to go there with me?”
  • “So this is the responsibility that you put on yourself?”
  • “Helping others is the greatest quality of a knight.”

Ending 6: A Conundrum Called Love

Finally, ending six will bring you down an alternative path to ending five. Start out at A Breather to get this one as efficiently as possible.

You’ll be going through A Breather, It’s the Heart That Matters, and The Almighty Maid and the Impossible Task.

  • “I’ll certainly do my best…”
  • “…So Quinn feels that Bea has nothing important to say to him…”
  • “It shouldn’t matter, it’s the thought that counts.”
  • “But now’s not the best time to disturb them..”
  • “You’re taking a break, remember?”
  • “…Noelle…”
  • “Can I take a look?”

That’s it for the guide on how to get all endings for Noelle’s Hangout Event in Genshin Impact. Enjoy those conversations, and if you’re looking for more tips on the game, be sure to check out our guide wiki.

About the author

Ethan Anderson

Lover of RPGs and all things Zelda, Pokémon, Dragon Age, or Tales related. Can usually be found either struggling/failing to get 100% completions, or praying for a Jak 4.

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