Shonen battle anime are usually filled to the brim with side characters, building them up as important friends to our protagonists or even hurdles for them to overcome. While Demon Slayer may only have one season under its belt so far, it has already introduced a whole lot of interesting supporting characters for fans to fall in love with.
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To celebrate those side characters, we’ve come up with a trivia quiz that tests your medal, as we’re asking you to name even the most obscure characters the show’s introduced so far. So gear up and get ready to see if you can name these 15 side characters from Demon Slayer.
Andrew was Twinfinite's Features Editor from 2020 through until March 2023 and wrote for the site from 2018. He has wandered around with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications sitting in his back pocket for a while now, all the while wondering what he is going to do for a career. Luckily, video games have always been there, especially as his writing career progresses.