Spelunky 2 contains plenty of items to uncover and utilize, but some in particular can only be found by completing specific tasks in certain levels. Case in point: The Udjat Eye, an artifact you can only obtain in the first zone and which won’t show its usefulness until much later in the run. This can be a pain to figure out on your own though, so we’re here to help with a guide on how to get the Udjat Eye and what it does in Spelunky 2.
How to Get the Eye of Udjat and What it Does in Spelunky 2
To start, you can only get the Udjat Eye in Spelunky 2 by completing a few specific tasks in the first zone.
As you make your way through the zone’s four levels, there’s a chance you’ll come across a Golden Key. This can be used to open a Golden Chest hidden in a secret room found within the level, which is denoted by a wooden gateway somewhere within the level. Where each appears in any given level is random though, so you’ll need to do some exploring to find them both.
Once you’ve found both of them though, you’ll be all set. Pick up the key by crouching down and pressing the Square Button, and then carry it with you to the hidden area’s entrance. Head inside, and then interact with the Golden Chest while holding the Key. This will unlock it, and the Udjat Eye will pop out for you to collect.
As for what the Udjat Eye does in Spelunky 2, it has a surprisingly diverse set of perks.
In addition to improving your sight in dark areas and allowing you to spot hidden treasures buried throughout levels, it will also alert you to the presence of Black Markets in later parts of the game. You’ll know it’s doing so when it starts to pulse and click, with each occurring more frequently as you get closer to the Market’s entrance.
Hopefully this cleared up how to get the Udjat Eye and what it does in Spelunky 2. For more on the game, check out some of our guides on other topics like how long the game takes to beat and how to get more health.