
Ninjala: Tips & Tricks for Beginners

ninjala tips tricks

Destroy the Red Drones

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Before you jump into Ninjala, you should know that these big, red, floating drones are more important than they seem. Breaking these bad boys open will grant you extra S-Energy, which is that yellow bar on the bottom-left corner of the screen.

The higher this gauge is, the more actions you can perform. Dodging with the L button takes up S-Energy, dashing in the air takes up energy, and the bigger the gauge is, the bigger your gum can get.

Oh, and more thing, there’s also bonus points granted to the player who breaks the most drones in a match, so make sure not to miss out on hitting these when you can. It can make or break a close match.

Go for an Ippon!

Getting to that coveted first place position in Ninjala is very important to get the most rewards you can and to just show off to your friends. You can get the win more easily by scoring an Ippon whenever you can.

You get points for every “kill” in Ninjala, but an Ippon is basically a special kill that grants you extra points for fighting in a very stylish manner. Not only do you want to get these for bonus points during the match, but there is also a chance to get an Ippon bonus at the end of a match.

Once the points are all tallied up, there is one player who will gain 1000 extra points for getting the most Ippons in a match and that 1000 points can even boost you from third place to first.

You can get an Ippon by defeating an opponent after a successful parry, which we’ll talk about more down below, or if you kill someone that’s stuck in Ninja gum.

All weapons have a gum-based ability mapped to the ZR trigger that can be used, and if your opponent falls trap to one, there’s a chance that they’ll be encased in gum, unable to move for a few seconds, allowing you to go in for a sweet Ippon kill.

Parry Correctly

In Ninjala, whenever you and an opponent attack each other at the same exact moment, which surprisingly happens a lot, a little minigame will pop up on the screen, prompting you to choose a direction with the left stick.

This is essentially the Ninjala version of Rock, Paper, Scissors, but instead, up beats down, down beats sideways, and sideways always beats up. Whoever wins the battle will go in for a successful hit and can follow up with a string of combos.

If you and your foe end up hitting the same direction over and over again, you’ll never get out of the parrying mini game, so make sure to think strategically to outsmart the other players. If you don’t go in pressing random buttons, you’ll find yourself coming out of an encounter unscathed.

And like we previously mentioned, defeating an enemy after a successful parry can result in you scoring an Ippon, which will get you bonus points.

Play Around With the Weapon Types

Just like other online multiplayer games, there are a variety of different playstyles that you can latch on to. You can choose to use the Katana’s, which are very easy to handle but tend to do less damage than other weapons. It’s an average weapon that’s perfect for beginners.

And then you have the heavier, hammer-type weapons that attack very slowly but deal massive damage to your opponents. If you prefer playing as a tank, using these might suit you well. There are also long-range yo-yo type of weapons that also move pretty slow, but can help you reach players who might be running away from you or not paying attention to their surroundings.

That being said, there is no best weapon out there that’s perfect for any situation. Start out with the default Katana, play a couple of matches and see how it feels and then move on to a different one.

It’s all about experimenting with the different skills and playstyles and seeing what clicks for you at the end of the day.

Don’t Stay on the Ground

You are a tried and true ninja warrior in Ninjala, so make sure to put those skills to the test. If you didn’t know, you can stick to any surface on both of the online stages, letting you run across walls to get away from a hostile foe or to just sneak off and watch the madness from afar.

Don’t be that person who only stays on the ground because you’re going to be fresh meat for the other players. Since the stages aren’t that massive, it’s very easy to be spotted so just stay on the high ground if you’re not actively chasing someone down.

You can also use run really high up a wall, wait for people to start fighting and then jump down to sneak in some kills.

You know, people might tell you that stealing kills in an online game is “bad” or “unfair” or “cheating” but I just call it strategy.

Equip Assist Codes

If you head on over the base area and then choose the Closet option, you can then go over your equipped weapon, check out its skills, and you can also equip different Shinobi Cards, which can grant you special skills.

At first, you will only have access to one card, but once you get more medals for playing online, you can come back and unlock more. The Shinobi Card that I have equipped in the image above is called Ninja Sense Pro, which helps you detect the presence of nearby players — I strongly recommend using this one first.

If you click on the Shinobi Card you have equipped, you can then add Assist Codes to it, and these help improve the card skill with extra little enhancements. So make sure to take a look into these menus and have the best skills equipped that fit your playstyle.

Hopefully, these Ninjala tips and tricks can help you become the best ninja out there. If you’ve been playing the game and noticed any other helpful tricks, please be sure to leave a comment and let us know about it. We might even add it to this list!

About the author

Greysun Morales

Greysun eats ramen 12 times a week and will never get tired of it. Playing Games Since: 1993, Favorite Genres: Action-Adventure, JRPG, Platformers, and Anything With Ramen

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