
10 Great Video Game Dads That Warm Our Hearts

Kratos – God of War Series

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Our first video game dad is Kratos, god of emotional constipation. Though, we can’t really blame him for being bad at emotions. Kratos has gone through a long, violent, and painful journey to get to the tired old man he is now.

Even before having Atreus, Kratos absolutely loved his family. I mean, he went on an entire three game rampage of revenge for them. And, now that that particular chapter in his life is over, Kratos is doing his best with his new family.

Despite outwardly not showing it, Kratos loves Atreus to death and he would essentially tear apart the entire world if it meant keeping him safe.

Among other things, the entire events of God of War (2018) center around Kratos trying to be a better father to Atreus and, instead of anger and rage, this journey is marked by a broken man doing his best to show his son he loves him.

Joel – The Last of Us Series

Technically, Joel isn’t Ellie’s biological father but honestly that doesn’t matter. He’s still a great dad.

Before Ellie, Joel loved, cared about, and protected his daughter. She meant the entire world to him and her tragic death turned him into an angry, disgruntled old man who was tired with the whole world.

However, Joel found another daughter in Ellie and he learned to love her and protect her like she’s his own. The trauma of losing his first daughter and the fear of losing this one made Joel make the very crucial decision to save Ellie from giving her life for a cure to the fungal virus.

This essentially dooms humanity and now that The Last of Us Part II is out, we get to see the true outcome of this and what has happened to Ellie and Joel.

Geralt – The Witcher Series

Another father figure, Geralt is a witcher so he can’t have any children. He never particularly wanted any especially since he lives a rather dangerous lifestyle. However, Ciri’s arrival into his life instantly turned him into a loving papa bear.

Geralt has always been the type of person to have a cold and apathetic attitude but with Ciri, he suddenly becomes an entirely different person. He’s loving, goofy, protective, and everything that’s just #dad.

Ciri means everything to Geralt. He would do anything to protect her. He wants her to be happy and above all he wants her to live a long and prosperous life.

Their portrayal in the video game series is adorable so we can’t wait to see what the Netflix series will do now that they’re finally together.

Ryotaro Dojima – Persona 4

Continuing our theme of tired old video game dads, Dojima’s love for his family is essentially his tragic flaw. As a detective, he works tirelessly to find his wife’s killer but that keeps him from spending time with his daughter.

He loves her so much but the pain of losing his wife still hurts so much to the point that his daughter’s resemblance to her is overwhelming. He initially pushes her away but as the story progresses, Dojima learns what it means to be a dad.

Despite his flaws, Dojima is determined, loyal, and loving. He cares about his daughter (and his nephew) and he would do anything to keep that little ball of sunshine safe.

With Persona 4 Golden having come out on Steam, PC players can now get to know him too.

Bayek of Siwa – Assassin’s Creed: Origins

Bayek from Assassin’s Creed Origins is one of the best video game dads out there. You could argue that the entire Assassin’s Brotherhood wouldn’t have been a thing without Khemu. Khemu’s life was tragically short and it was a result of just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Bayek goes on his revenge journey much like Kratos does and with a few deicides sprinkled in now and again. He’s angered by Khemu’s death and passionately does his best to avenge his son.

Through flashbacks within the game, we see that Bayek absolutely loved and nurtured Khemu so it’s even more heartbreaking knowing that he’s already dead. They bonded over constellations and had fun together.

Khemu had a mother and father who loved him dearly and his death hurt in a way that made you feel like you were somehow his dad too.

Eli Vance – Half-Life Series

In the Half-Life series, Eli is absolutely devoted to Alyx. He loves her, supports her, and encourages her. They’ve got a relationship that is very clearly so sweet and caring.

Whenever you see them together throughout the series, you know you’re going to be in for a warm familial treat. Eli is honestly just a great father figure all around and he even treats Gordon in a way similarly to how he does Alyx.

Overall, he’s an honorable and good person with so many people whom love him.

Sam Fisher – Splinter Cell Series

Another tired and angry dad, Sam Fisher is one of those fathers that is fiercely protective of his child. Sarah is practically the only joy and light in his very violent life so when she “dies”, it effects him terribly.

He loves her so much and through flashbacks in Splinter Cell: Conviction, we learn that he turns into such a softie around her. He always lets her know that he’ll protect her.

Seeing him finally reunite with her once he finds out she’s alive is such a satisfying moment especially since we know she’s everything to him. Hopefully, we’ll be seeing more of her after Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

Chuck Greene – Dead Rising 2

Chuck Greene is probably one of the most dedicated fathers out there. I mean, Dead Rising 2 centers around time management with much of it concerning getting Katy, his daughter, Zombrex and administering it at the right time all the time.

Chuck practically never fails in this task and he dutifully returns to her every time she needs her medication. He obviously loves her and the fact that she contracted the zombie disease so young is heartbreaking.

Chuck would do anything for Katy and if you don’t return to her in time, the cutscene when he discovers her hurts in all the right places because you know he’s entirely dedicated to her wellbeing.

Big Daddies – Bioshock Series

Our final video game dad entry belongs to some of the most iconic dads in gaming history. While technically not dads, a Big Daddy in Bioshock will protect and defend his Little Sister like she’s the only thing that matters in the world.

Granted, they’re kind of programmed to think that way but still.

Essentially giant bodyguards, you rarely see a Big Daddy without a Little Sister. These guys might initially look a bit intimidating but when it comes to their Little Sister, they’re big old softies.

Big Daddies just want to protect their Little Sisters and these girls are always happy to see their “Mr. Bubbles.” Despite how twisted the relationship is, it’s always a bit sad seeing a Little Sister mourning over a dead Big Daddy.

Personally, I hated fighting them in the games because they’re simply out here doing their best being a protective papa bear.

About the author

Nelia-Sol White

Nelia runs around with a Bachelor's degree in Communications and another Bachelor's in Creative Writing because she's an overachiever. They help her do those word things good. She can do the video games good too. Playing Games Since: 1995, Favorite Genres: RPG, Action, Everything Assassin's Creed

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