
5 Other Twisted Guest Characters That Should Come to Mortal Kombat 11

Doom Guy

The Joker’s recent addition to Mortal Kombat 11 is far from the craziest character to ever grace the series’ roster, but it does set a precedent for wacky and out-there guests to enter the fray. To that end, here are five other twisted guest characters who could and should come to Mortal Kombat 11.

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Mortal Kombat has an established record of bringing horror icons into its roster, so who better to carry that mantle into Mortal Kombat 11 than Pennywise?

In terms of story, his inclusion wouldn’t be that odd. Fueled by the fear of his prey and adversaries, the other-worldly entity could easily find himself drawn to the series’ conflict by the fear entrants feel as they fight for their lives.

Not only that, but he could reach the same power as its strongest combatants through said fear, able to go toe to toe with even Raiden or Shao Kahn.

On the gameplay front, he would also provide an interesting avenue for the developers to work around. Thanks to his being able to transform according to a person’s fears, he could morph and change his body at will based on the situation.

Whether he needs fists to pound someone down, claws to end them, or blades to slice them in two, he could conjure them up in an instant, making him a worthwhile challenge to fight against and a blast to play as if this ability were implemented.

The Batman Who Laughs

Ok, so maybe it’s cheating to include another Joker-esque character as a guest character, but what Mortal Kombat fan wouldn’t want a hyper-metal take on an evil Batman to play as?

A multiverse offspring of Batman and the Joker, The Bat who laughs has all of Batman’s cunning paired with Joker’s love for chaos. None are safe from his ruthless carnage, and he loves nothing more than to dominate and grind down any and all adversaries who try to stop him.

Given his multiverse origins, his appearance in Mortal Kombat’s universe wouldn’t be any stranger than the Joker’s. Likewise, his penchant for violence would make his performing fatalities and brutalities on others feel somewhat natural, or at least as natural as any other character in the game doing it.

And that’s to say nothing of his potential move set. In addition to being able to fight like either the Joker or Batman, he could call on his pack of feral Robins, twisted versions of other heroes, and any number of other warped monstrosities to do his bidding for fatalities, all with a heavy metal aesthetic added in for style.

John Wick

The terminator is great and all, but there’s another killing machine that would be sure to drive Mortal Kombat 11 players wild.

Though not gifted with otherworldly cosmic powers, John Wick might as well be a god of death based on what he’s accomplished. No matter the target, and no matter how many people come after him in retaliation, he always walks away with a trail of bodies in his wake, each killed in some intricate or interesting way.

As such, he’d be a perfect addition to the roster as a guest character. His back story could be that he was hired to kill one of the combatants, and following some mishap, he’d be forced to take down everyone involved in the game in order to earn his freedom.

Heck, the game could even factor the death of his dog into the narrative somehow. Though dark, it would give him all the more reason to go “Baba Yaga” on everyone, ancient god or not.

For a move set, he could implement both fire arms and hand to hand combat, with fatalities that center around odd or creative kills tied to the environment; or, if the developers are feeling cheeky, something involving a pencil or some other innocuous object only he could turn into a deadly weapon.

Doom Guy

Super Smash Bros. might not be willing to take Doom Guy on as a guest character, but that’s all the more reason to bring him into the bloody fold of Mortal Kombat 11.

A single-minded killing machine with a love for turning demons into red mist, Doom Guy would have no trouble fitting into the violent carnage of Mortal Kombat’s universe; or, in the event of a loss, being torn to bloody bits as he has been whenever players have been overcome by the demonic hoard.

His appearance could easily be explained away too, with him trying to hunt down demons in Outer World, and all hell breaking loose when someone tries to stop him.

Move set-wise, he’d also provide some versatility for the developers to work with. In addition to melee attacks that rip and tear through opponents, he could bust out a variety of firearms, from his iconic shotgun to a minigun or rocket launcher, pelting opponents from afar.

Plus, getting to obliterate other characters with a BFG 9000 blast would surely make for an exciting and satisfying fatality.

Goro Majima

Another character snubbed for fighting game guest character roles, Yakuza’s Majima Goro would lend plenty of flair to Mortal Kombat 11’s violent brawls.

A legendary gangster able to take on almost any foe, Majima is skilled in a variety of different fighting styles. He can beat enemies into submission with whirling kicks and darting punches; smash in opponents’ skulls with his trusty baseball bat; or leave them torn to ribbons with his Japanese short sword.

This would give the developer’s plenty of wiggle room with designing his moveset, making him stand apart from other characters like him.

His appearance in the game wouldn’t be that strange either. Known for his chaotic yet calculated antics, his appearance could be motivated by a need to destabilize other powers that threaten the Dojima family’s holdings.

The only real hang-up would be how violently he could be killed. Though the Yakuza series is no stranger to gory scenes, it’s never been one to show off decapitations, broken bones or bloody bits strewn everywhere.

There’s a first time for everything though, and what better character from the iconic series to do it than Majima?

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.
