
Top 5 Best Skyrim Mods of October 2019

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More Spider Recipes

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Image Source/Mod Creator: A Smart Cat

If you’re still feeling some residual spookiness from Halloween, then this is the mod for you. Unless you’re also terrified of spiders. More Spider Recipes greatly increases the variety of these enemies in the world of Skyrim.

This means that you’ll be able to encounter seven completely new types of spiders. The best part is that these craftable creepy crawlies can be used as helpers or as weapons against your enemies.

If you’re over-encumbered then just call on your Packmule Spider to carry that extra weight. There are also a number of exploding spiders that can cause enemies to frenzy, run in fear, calm down, or become paralyzed.

Nordic Crusader Armour

Mod Creator: Kredans (Mod Not Pictured)

This is one of the coolest modded armor sets I’ve ever seen in Skyrim. The Nordic Crusader Armour mod just goes all out with the nordic theme. The armor has plenty of layers to protect against the harsh cold of Skyrim.

This set looks like it has already been through its fair share of battles, but the design is fantastic. The horns that adorn the helm are massive and the Greatsword you can craft to go with it looks absolutely overpowering.

If you have the original version of Skyrim on you’re PC, then you have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, this mod isn’t compatible with Skyrim SE yet, but support is coming in a future update.


Mod Creator: HorribleAndy (Mod Not Pictured)

The HASTE mod looks to add a bunch of “common sense” updates to Skyrim. The mod’s official full name is HorribleAndy’s Skyrim Tweaked Effects. I can always appreciate a good acronym and some even better tweaks to Skyrim’s systems.

One of the biggest changes is that animals no longer can report crimes. As much as everyone loves Lassie, this whole thing was just a bit immersion-breaking. Also, guards will actually help when you get attacked by assassins.

These are just a couple of tweaks to the system that HASTE does, but that should give you an idea for what kind of mod this is. The full list is a bit too long for this page, but you can check it out here.

SOT Carry Weight

Mod Creator: tonycubed2 (Mod Not Pictured)

If you’re all about immersion but you’re just a bit of a sweet roll and cheese wheel hoarder, then the SOT Carry Weight options lets you avoid over-encumbrance without needing to boost stats or turn on god mode.

What this mod does is add to your overall carry weight based upon the number of companions you have following you around Skyrim. This way you don’t need to do tons of menu-ing to optimize your storage.

If immersion isn’t your thing, then you can always just modify the bonus you get from each companion. You can also see exactly how much each companion is adding to your total carry weight through a handy mod options menu.

Dragonborn Kingdom

Mod Creator: morsepone7 (Mod Not Pictured)

Just when you thought the Dragonborn couldn’t get any more powerful, morsepone7 had to go ahead and give them an entire kingdom. This political power is arguably more impressive than any shout.

You can rule over multiple villages, mines, a city, and so much more with the Dragonborn Kingdom mod. You can even employ a tax collector to gather the gold you deserve for allowing peasants into your kingdom.

The palace is astoundingly beautiful and is fully loaded with a bank, banquet hall, kitchen, brewery, and too much more to continue listing here. This is the definitive mod for living like a king in Skyrim.

About the author

Omar Banat

Omar is a UofM Duluth graduate who is obsessed with Smash Bros. Video games are life, but life is not video games. Playing Games Since: 1991, Favorite Genres: Puzzle, Platformer, Action-Adventure (mainly Metroidvanias)

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