
5 Reasons Why the Golden Deer Is the Best House in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Golden Deer, best house, reasons, three houses

Spoiler warning: This article contains light story spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

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The Golden Deer Leader, Claude

I can’t say enough about the fearless leader and poster boy for the Golden Deer house, Claude. He’s charming, rugged, strong, capable, intelligent, and has a great head of hair.

When you stand him next to Edelgard and Dimitri, how can you go another route? Dimitri has to have everything done perfectly and by the book, but Claude is chill as hell and leaves things to chance. He just goes with the flow which is the type of leader that anybody should be on the lookout for.

To be quite honest, the more that I play Three Houses, the more it seems that Claude is hiding something up his tricky yellow-colored sleeves, but I don’t really care.

He keeps mentioning a secret that he can’t tell, even to his own professor, but that just makes him even more mysterious and cool –what a guy!

The Class Itself Is so Varied and Relatable

reasons why golden deer is the best house

The Golden Deer house is full of an interesting bunch of characters. You’ve got Raphael who has an insatiable hunger for any kind of food; Marianne is super religious but is also one of the shyer kids in the class; Lysithea is the youngest in the academy and hates being treated a little kid –she also is deeply terrified of ghosts.

The list goes on but since the Golden Deer students hail from the Leicester Alliance, most of them are commoners, not having any kind of royal background. They’re really relatable and feel like real people compared to the snooty students from the Blue Lions.

The group may not be as unified as much as the other classes are, but you get to hang out with some pretty cool people that feel extremely different from one another and watching them grow month after month is very satisfying and rewarding.

Deer Are the Most Precious Animals

Eagles? They fly around and eat innocent animals from off of the ground… not cool. Lions will kill you at any moment if you’re not too careful –why would anyone want to be around them? Now, deer on the other hand, talk about one of the most docile and gentle creatures on the face of the Earth.

They gather in groups and eat plants and small insects. They like to be fed berries and other things from the hands of humans. You’ll never want to try to feed those other two animals up there; deer will love you and cherish you.

Come to the Golden Deer and you will live a life full of eternal happiness and contentment. No harm will come your way and life will be smooth-sailing. If you had to choose one of these animals to have inside of your home, there’s only one obvious choice.

Go Golden Deer, you won’t regret it.

Archers of the Golden Deer

golden deer is the best house in fire emblem three houses

The leader of the Golden Deer, Claude, is a well-trained archer that has really high mobility. Some of the other students also are good with a bow and arrow so if you like to stay on the sidelines and attack your opponent from afar, the Golden Deer is a great pick.

Later on in the game, you will be able to switch around the classes of your roster depending on their levels, but Golden Deer are known for their powerful archers and if you’re the kind of person who thinks before they act, this house is the best choice.

Don’t be like those other two houses that go in headfirst and end up killing themselves because they think they’re so much better than everyone else.

Who cares about lineage, crests, and notoriety? It’s all about skill and dexterity, two things that the Golden Deer bring to the battlefield.


golden deer, three houses, fire emblem

As I mentioned before, the members of the Golden Deer house are all brilliant, interesting, and really have such a unique personality that makes each one stand apart from the rest, Hilda in particular.

She really enjoys the glamorous things in life but she just doesn’t enjoy working towards getting those things for herself –she would much rather ask a cute/flirty boy for help, someone like Sylvain for example.

So yeah, she may sound like a piece of work, but almost all of her interactions with her fellow classmates are hilarious and really brings out her character.

She’s that person that seems to get along with everyone, but if you get on her bad side, prepare to face the repercussions –she starts off with a pretty powerful axe at the beginning of the game that deals massive damage, making her one of the best students in the Golden Deer house, by far.

If you’re looking for a good reason to join up, let Hilda be one of them.

I hope these reasons help you realize that the Golden Deer is obviously the best house in Fire Emblem: Three Houses but (if for some reason) you can go on over and read another article on why the Black Eagles are the best pick but why would you do something like that?

And for more on Fire Emblem, check out our scored review for Three Houses and our expansive wiki guide.

About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

Greysun Morales

Greysun eats ramen 12 times a week and will never get tired of it. Playing Games Since: 1993, Favorite Genres: Action-Adventure, JRPG, Platformers, and Anything With Ramen
