
Pokemon Let’s Go: All Pokemon Evolution Levels and How to Evolve Them

All Pokemon Evolution Levels and How to Evolve Them in Pokemon Let’s Go

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Evolution is one of the major ways of getting new ‘mons apart from catching them in the wild. However, not all of them can evolve nor transform through the same method. Here are all evolution levels of the Pokemon in Pokemon Let’s Go.

Out of the three different evolution styles in the game, the most common one is through leveling. Once a ‘mon reaches a certain level, they will transfigure into their more powerful form. Meanwhile, you can also morph other ‘mons by either using an item on them or by trading them with a friend.

Here’s a full list of all the ‘mons that can evolve and how to change them in Pokemon Let’s Go:

All Evolution Levels & How to Evolve

  • Bulbasaur > Ivysaur (at level 16) > Venusaur (at level 32)
  • Charmander > Charmeleon (at level 16) > Charizard (at level 36)
  • Squirtle > Wartortle (at level 16) > Blastoise (at level 36)
  • Caterpie > Metapod (at level 7) > Butterfree (at level 10)
  • Weedle > Kakuna (at level 7) > Beedrill (at level 10)
  • Pidgey > Pidgeotto (at level 18) > Pidgeot (at level 36)
  • Rattata > Raticate (at level 20)
  • Spearow > Fearow (at level 20)
  • Ekans > Arbok (at level 22)
  • Pikachu > Raichu (when using Thunder Stone)
  • Sandshrew > Sandslash (at level 22)
    • Alolan Sandshrew > Alolan Sandslash (when using Ice Stone)
  • Nidoran F > Nidorina (at level 16) > Nidoqueen (when using Moon Stone)
  • Nidoran M > Nidorino (at level 16) > Nidoking (when using Moon Stone)
  • Clefairy > Clefable (when using Moon Stone)
  • Vulpix > Ninetails (when using Fire Stone)
    • Alolan Vulpix > Alolan Ninetails (when using Ice Stone)
  • Jigglypuff > Wigglytuff (when using Moon Stone)
  • Zubat > Golbat (at level 22)
  • Oddish > Gloom (at level 21) > Vileplume (when using Leaf Stone)
  • Paras > Parasect (at level 24)
  • Venonat > Venomoth (at level 31)
  • Diglett > Dugtrio (at level 36)
  • Meowth > Persian (at level 28)
  • Psyduck > Golduck (at level 33)
  • Mankey > Primeape (at level 28)
  • Growlithe > Arcanine (when using Fire Stone)
  • Poliwag > Poliwhirl (at level 25) > Poliwrath (when using Water Stone)
  • Abra > Kadabra (at level 16) > Alakazam (when trading)
  • Machop > Machoke (at level 28) > Machamp (when trading)
  • Bellsprout > Weepinbell (at level 21) > Victreebell (when using Leaf Stone)
  • Tentacool > Tentacruel (at level 30)
  • Geodude > Graveler (at level 25) > Golem (when trading)
  • Ponyta > Rapidash (at level 40)
  • Slwopoke > Slowbro (at level 37)
  • Magnemite > Magneton (at level 30)
  • Doduo > Dotrio (at level 31)
  • Seel > Dewgong (at levl 34)
  • Grimer > Muk (at level 38)
  • Shellder > Cloyset (when using Water Stone)
  • Gastly > Haunter (at level 25) > Gengar (when trading)
  • Drowzee > Hypno (at level 26)
  • Krabby > Kingler (at level 28)
  • Voltorb > Electrode (at level 30)
  • Exeggcute > Exeggutor (when using Leaf Stone)
  • Cubone > Marowak (at level 28)
  • Koffing > Weezing (at level 35)
  • Rhyhorn > Rhydon (at level 42)
  • Horsea > Seadra (at level 32)
  • Goldeen > Seaking (at level 33)
  • Staryu > Starmie (when using Water Stone)
  • Magikarp > Gyarados (at level 20)
  • Eevee
    • Vaporeon (when using Water Stone)
    • Jolteon (when using Thunder Stone)
    • Flareon (when using Fire Stone)
  • Omanyte > Omastar (at level 40)
  • Kabuto > Kabutops (at level 40)
  • Dratini > Dragonair (at level 30) > Dragonite (at level 55)
  • Meltan > Melmetal (through Pokemon GO)

That’s everything you need to know about all evolution levels of the Pokemon in Pokemon Let’s Go. For more tips and tricks on Pokemon Let’s Go, be sure to check out our nifty wiki that’s packed with useful guides.

About the author

Irwyn Diaz

Irwyn's a diehard Final Fantasy fan who just can't stop playing Opera Omnia. Playing Games Since: 1998, Favorite Genres: RPGs, Horror

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