
Here Are 5 Free DLC Ideas For Your “Big Titles” Nintendo, You’re Welcome


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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DLC We Want For Your Existing “Big” Gamesbreath of the wild

Is it selfish for me to want even more Breath of the Wild content after being out for almost two years and Nintendo already gracing us with two packs of downloadable content? Maybe so. But, while the master trials challenged me and the Heroes Ballad was a nice addition, I still feel like the game hasn’t gotten that substantial story pack that is a must-play for fans of the game.

More shrines and scavenger quests are cool and all, especially that sweet motorbike that Link can ride around in, but I want actual new story content, something that happens after the destruction of the dark lord Ganon.

The end of the game leaves Link, Zelda, and the people of Hyrule in a state of happiness and tranquility. Bump that. We want Hyrule to be under attack once again. We want to fight yet another big evil bad guy, a new villain that’s never been seen in the Zelda universe before.

This story content could just be a few short hours long, but as long as it’s new and happening right now in the actual world, I will be content. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one constantly looking for a reason to jump back into that gorgeous sprawling open world.


Splatoon 2

DLC We Want For Your Existing “Big” GamesSplatoon 2

Nintendo has been doing a stand-up job supporting Splatoon 2 constantly. It’s the multiplayer shooter that just keeps on giving and while the company has recently gifted us with an immense single-player expansion, we, of course, want more.

Now that the lackluster single-player portion of Splatoon 2 has been upgraded and cleaned up, it’s time to give us something that is the talk of the town right now, something that Nintendo just seems to be avoiding, despite its popularity. Yes, we’re talking about a Battle Royale mode in Splatoon 2.

The competitive multiplayer modes in Splatoon 2 never focus on kills or doing major damage to your opponents, it’s mostly just about getting your ink all across the map or completing special objectives –you always come back to life if you die.

Nintendo probably does this so nobody feels left out or that they’re not helping their team somehow. But, what if you didn’t come back if you died? And also, what if there were 100 inklings running around one huge map. No teams, no help, just you, your ink-filled weapon, and high stakes.

Okay, so maybe Splatoon 2 on Switch just wouldn’t be able to handle 100 players at one time, but I’m sure having 10-15 would not be a huge issue. Bring out some larger maps and make death the main aspect.

You won’t come back to life if you perish, and whoever is the last one standing gets the chicken dinner. It raises the stress level and would only be for the most advanced of players, but it would bring tons of players back, including myself.

Super Mario Odyssey

DLC We Want For Your Existing “Big” GamesSuper Mario Odyssey, Princess Peach

Super Mario Odyssey gave us literally 1000 power moons to collect with multiple, varied kingdoms to explore and was just one of the best games of 2017, but for some reason, Nintendo has not given us a proper DLC pack for the 3D platformer.

All we’ve gotten is that lame balloon hide-and-seek game with Luigi and some interesting costumes but no paid content.

The way that Super Mario Odyssey is set up just makes potential DLC so easy for Nintendo to do. We just need more Kingdoms –that’s all. Okay, we know that creating spectacular full-fledged kingdoms would take precious time but it’s been over a year and Nintendo, we’re ready for more.

Not only are we ready for more kingdoms, but we’re ready for some pretty specifically themed kingdoms from other places in the Mario universe. How cool would a spooky Luigi’s Mansion-themed kingdom be? Especially if the release coincided with Luigi’s Mansion 3 later next year.

People have also been clamoring for a Super Mario Sunshine Kingdom which would be just utterly rad, but then the Nintendo fanatics will just crave an HD remaster for the GameCube classic, so be careful with that.

Super Mario Party

DLC We Want For Your Existing “Big” Gamesbest super mario party mini-games

Nintendo learned their lesson with the disastrous past entries in the Mario Party franchise by finally letting characters move by themselves around the maps.

Who thought it would be a good idea for players to ride around in a car together? Everyone knows Mario Party is all about destroying friendships and beating your friends; why would you ever want to work together?

Anyways –sorry about that rant– Super Mario Party brings things back to normal and is almost the return to form that we all craved. There’s just a small problem though that could be fixed with some downloadable content: there are only five game boards, and they’re not even that enjoyable.

If these five boards were amazing and above everything else in Mario Party lore, then we would be okay with it, but they’re just okay.

This is a call to Nintendo to please give us more game boards soon, not like in a year, but like around the holidays. People will be looking to play Super Mario Party around these upcoming holidays so we need more content.

Do you know how embarrassed I’ll be when I show Super Mario Party to my grandmother and she sees those five measly game boards? You can say bye to my Christmas gift.


DLC We Want For Your Existing “Big” GamesARMS

I always feel bad when talking about ARMS. The party fighter actually managed to sell over 2 million copies, which is exceptional for a new I.P., but when you compare it to other multiplayer-centric games like Mario Kart 8, it just couldn’t hold itself up even with the multiple new characters Nintendo added as free content.

Clearly, people got bored with ARMS. There wasn’t a substantial amount of content in the vanilla version, and even now, these new characters just aren’t as exciting as already established Nintendo I.P.’s.

This got me thinking: what if Nintendo added well-known fighters to ARMS roster? I could totally see Little Mac, Captain Falcon, and maybe Bowser squaring it off in the ring with Ribbon Girl and Spring Man.

About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

Greysun Morales

Greysun eats ramen 12 times a week and will never get tired of it. Playing Games Since: 1993, Favorite Genres: Action-Adventure, JRPG, Platformers, and Anything With Ramen
