
Top 10 Best Video Game Protagonists of This Console Generation

This console generation has seen some of gaming's best protagonists and heros. Here is a list of our 10 favorite characters we've played as this gen.

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Best Video Game Protagonists of This Console Generation

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Kat, Gravity Rush 2

top-10, Kat, Gravity Rush 2, protagonist, ps4, protagonists

It’s near impossible to play Gravity Rush without falling in love with its hero, Kat, and her magical cat, Dusty (yes, it’s a little confusing). Using the power to control gravity, Kat serves as a superhero-like figure, flying around the city helping people with problems as large as invading monsters and as simple as delivering newspapers.

While Kat’s good-natured, heroic personality could have made her a bland protagonist, her undeniable charm sets her apart from the rest of her ilk. Kat flies through the world with a childlike wonder and naivety that helps establish Gravity Rush’s warm tone. Whether fighting bad guys or talking to folks in the city, there is well-intended clumsiness in everything that Kat does.

Kat’s bubbly personality mixed with a mysterious and slowly unraveling past make her a fun protagonist and one of gaming’s best superheroes.

Best Video Game Protagonists of This Console Generation

Max Caulfield, Life Is Strange

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Video games often tell stories from the same tired perspectives over and over. This is partially what makes Life Is Strange and its protagonist, Max Caulfield, so intriguing. As an 18-year old girl from a small town in Oregon who deals with problems of depression, guilt and general teenage anxiety, Max is a different sort of lead for a video game.

While Max’s power to turn back time make her supernatural, it’s how her powers impact her life that’s most interesting. As you navigate Max’s complex relationships and emotions, a connection grows. Any young person today can likely find something of themselves in Max. Watching her growth was truly special and reminded me a lot of myself when I was her age.

With Max, Dontnod created a relatable and multi-layered protagonist that serves as a refreshing change for the industry.

Best Video Game Protagonists of This Console Generation

Aloy, Horizon Zero Dawn

aloy, horizon zero dawn, protagonist, hero, ps4, Guerrilla Games, Sony, protagonists

There’s a lot to love in Horizon Zero Dawn. Next to stunning landscapes, bombastic combat and the presence of giant robot dinosaurs, Guerilla Game’s new protagonist doesn’t always get the attention she deserves. Right from the start, Aloy is a highly unique and, frankly, badass character.

Aloy has a humble start as an outcast, constantly facing insults and prejudice from everyone around her. However, she maintains her confidence, resolves and even humor as she proves her dissenters wrong every step of the way. This, paired with an impressive performance from Ashly Burch, makes Aloy a compelling version of the powerful action hero. She is interesting, funny, charming, intimidating and a joy to spend 30+ hours getting to know.

Since a sequel is surely coming, we are excited to see more growth and interesting reveals for Guerrilla’s new hero.

Best Video Game Protagonists of This Console Generation

Clementine, The Walking Dead Series

Clem, Clementine, The Walking Dead, Telltale, protagonist, protagonists, ps4, xbox one, pc, switch, the final season

There are few characters who have left as much of an impact on gamers’ hearts this generation than Clementine. From the emotional and groundbreaking first season to the currently running final season, we have watched her character suffer and grow tremendously.

While there are many memorable characters from The Walking Dead series, Clem is the central pillar. Watching Clem use the lessons that Lee taught her to evolve and survive in the helpless world of The Walking Dead is one of the most compelling character arcs we’ve seen in recent years. While her character might have taken some questionable turns, in the end, Clementine will go down as one of our favorite protagonists.

Also, it turns out that her story isn’t over after all. Recent news that Skybound Games will help finish the final season means that Clementine just might get the narrative closure that Telltale was promising. However, it’s worth noting that this is coming in the wake of mass layoffs that left many workers with no job or severance aid.

Best Video Game Protagonists of This Console Generation

Madeline, Celeste

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Celeste caught the entire gaming industry off-guard earlier this year, and for good reason. For a retro-inspired indie game made by a small team to get such high praise and be a legitimate game of the year contender is impressive. While the gameplay is the star of the show here, Celeste wouldn’t be as special without Madeline.

Dispersed between hundreds of deaths and restarts is a personal story about depression, anxiety, and happiness. The struggles we see Madeline experience are likely familiar to many players. But, for all the hardships Madeline faces, she holds onto her positivity and desire to help people. When we say that a 2D platformer has some of the year’s best emotional story beats, it seems strange. However, it’s true, and Madeline is at the center of the experience.

For more on Celeste’s excellent portrayal of anxiety and depression, read Jordan Ramée’s feature from earlier this year.

Best Video Game Protagonists of This Console Generation

Senua, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice

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Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is one of the best surprise gaming gems we’ve gotten in a while. With Hellblade, Ninja Theory shows a harrowing and unflinching look into the struggles of mental health, and this experience is anchored in its protagonist, Senua.

Throughout the game, you really feel like you’re in Senua’s head. The game recommends you wear headphones and, if you do, you experience the voices in Senua’s head actually whispering in your ear. Voices will shout degrading insults, conflicting advice, and panicked screams as you try to make your way through the world. It’s an intense experience, but it helps give players a better understanding of what Senua is going through and, by extension, awareness of problems that real people face every day.

Through creative game design, stellar voice work and an engaging backstory, Ninja Theory made Senua a standout protagonist and a starting point for understanding real-world mental health issues.

Best Video Game Protagonists of This Console Generation

Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Marvel’s Spider-Man

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With so many Spider-Man comics, movies and video games, it can be a tall order to impress audiences with yet another retelling. However, impressive is exactly how we would describe Insomniac’s Spider-Man.

Insomniac managed to capture everything that makes Spider-Man and Peter Parker two unique and special characters. From the charming quips to problems with work/life balance and Peter’s complicated relationship with MJ, this game is firing on all cylinders. While Insomniac stayed true to the Spider-Man we’ve always known, they also inserted enough of their own spin to make their hero feel fresh.

Aided by Yuri Lowenthal’s instantly iconic voice work, this Spider-Man stands among the best representations of the character and is easily one of the best protagonists we’ve played as. For more on Spider-Man, read our review from September.

Best Video Game Protagonists of This Console Generation

Nathan Drake, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

uncharted 4, nathan drake, ps4, protagonist, sony, naughty dog, top 10, protagonists

Nathan Drake has been one of gaming’s biggest faces for over a decade and that certainly didn’t change in 2016. While the Uncharted games have always been known for their well-written characters, Uncharted 4 took this to another level and showed us a new vulnerability in its main protagonist.

After four games celebrating Nathan’s reckless Indiana Jones-like treasure hunting, Uncharted 4 highlights the pain he is bringing on himself and his relationships. Mundane normal life hits Nathan like a ton of bricks, revealing the wild shenanigans of the previous games to be a deep-seated and destructive obsession. In this way, Naughty Dog kept the same formula but in a completely new context. Nathan’s struggles in this game make his character even more compelling and changes the way we look at every game prior.

We don’t know if we’ll see Nathan again, but if we don’t, this was one incredible swan song.

Best Video Game Protagonists of This Console Generation

Kratos, God of War

protagonist, kratos, god of war, ps4, santa monica, sony, playstation, 2018, top 10, protagonists

Few characters in gaming history have had the transformation that Kratos received this year. Going from a rage-filled, middle school male power fantasy to a character with enough pathos to make many of us cry is quite the evolution.

Rather than making a reboot, Sony Santa Monica used Kratos’ violent past to inform who he’s become. The result is a shameful but stubborn man with the physical strength to crush his enemies, but none of the emotional strength to deal with the repercussions. There is a brilliant subtlety to Kratos’ character in this game. The player can feel that Kratos loves and cares for his son, Atreus, even if he struggles to show it.

Somehow Kratos, the same character who was involved in a casual sex mini-game in 2005, has become an emotional gaming icon who shows the struggles of parenthood and personal forgiveness. What a time to be a gamer.

Best Video Game Protagonists of This Console Generation

Geralt of Rivia, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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In the opening hours of Witcher 3, you would be forgiven for thinking Geralt is a somewhat bland protagonist. He’s a monotonous, competent and serious monster hunter who seems to live a simple life. However, after some time you will discover he’s one of the most complex, humorous and likable leads in gaming.

Throughout Witcher 3, Geralt’s strict moral and professional code is constantly tested. The game’s world is brutal and shaded in gray, highlighting Geralt’s true nature, past, insecurities, and progression in fascinating ways. While Geralt might be strong and smart, he can also be stubborn, short-sighted and immature. It’s these qualities that make him such a realistic hero. Geralt is heavily impacted by a diverse cast of characters that bring out both the best and worst in him.

Whether it’s his dry humor, his realistic and sometimes turbulent relationship with the women in his life, his ability to slay giant trolls or something else entirely, there’s bound to be something you will love about Geralt of Rivia.

Those are our picks for the top 10 protagonists of this console generation. What are your favorites? Let us know in the comments below. Also, check out some of our other top 10 lists such as top 10 open world games, top 10 Marvel games, and top 10 superhero games.

About the author

Darby Hallman

Darby is a graduate from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelors Degree in Journalism and Mass Communications. Loves games and just wants to be able to talk about them every day. He has a soft spot for RPGs of every type, narrative-driven games and PS2 mascot platformers. Patiently waiting for the Final Fantasy VII remake.
