
No Man’s Sky: How to Research New Plant Types

How to Research New Plant Types in No Man’s Sky

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Researching new plant types in No Man’s Sky is a feature added as part of the Pathfinder and Atlas Rises updates, and is a smaller part of the overall base building effort. Going along with this allows you to construct a home base and eventually get a fully-functional farm going for the purpose of getting access to materials and having a steady income in the cold void of space.

New plant types can be researched within the Agricultural Terminal in No Man’s Sky, through completing quests for the farmer NPC. The farmer NPC can be recruited to your base by running into it somewhere in No Man’s Sky’s universe. This sounds vague, but it can usually be found in Gek-space since the NPC is a Gek. The farmer NPC can be recruited once you have the Agricultural Terminal set up.

Once the Agricultural Terminal is up and running in No Man’s Sky, and you have hired the Gek farmer NPC you can, complete quests that make new, more exotic seeds available to you. These quests will normally involve you going out and locating plant material. Follow along and complete the various quests that the NPC offers to you in No Man’s Sky, and over time you’ll have everything you need to have a fully loaded farming space such as the Haz-Mat Gauntlet. A successful farm uses hydroponic trays, bio-domes, and of course, lots of different plants growing in it. Just make sure to complete as many quests as you can within the construction terminal and the agricultural terminal in order to allow yourself the most options possible for diversifying and building up your base and farm.

To get started with all of this if you haven’t already, find a suitable location and home planet to begin building your base. Once you’ve done that, you’ll gain access to the construction terminal and will have the opportunity to recruit NPCs to fill out the various open positions related to up-keeping your home base.

That does it for how to resesarch new plant types in No Man’s Sky. Be sure to check out our wiki for more tips, tricks, and guides on No Man’s Sky and its NEXT update.

About the author

Ed McGlone

Ed McGlone was with Twinfinite from 2014 to 2022. Playing games since 1991, Ed loved writing about RPGs, MMOs, sports games and shooters.
