
Pokken Tournament DX Update to Add Several New Online Features

A few essential updates on the way.

pokken tournament dx

Pokken Tournament DX, the Nintendo Switch update to the original Pokken Tournament, is getting an update which will add some pretty major new online features, as well as other features that make a nice little bonus to your experience. The most important update here is the ability to play team battles with friends online. The fact you couldn’t do this before is somewhat baffling, but better late than never, right? Other updates include (thanks, gematsu):

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  • Official Groups in Group Match – Official groups from Pokkén Tournament DX will be open in the Group Match online battle mode. Coming soon after the update, there will be official Group Matches where players can battle to receive new special titles.
  • Record Pokemon Movements – In Practice Mode’s Free Training, a new function to record Pokemon movements in battle will be added. You’ll be able to control the opposing Pokemon and record its movements so you can play them back when you’re training to help improve your skills.
  • Enhanced Experience – Several other adjustments are in development which will help to improve gameplay.

These updates are looking to have a nice effect on the way you play – the ability to record Pokemon movements will be a vital tool in improving your skill, perhaps even bringing you amongst the best of the best. Nintendo are planning to add more information about the update, as well as presumably a release date, at a later date on the Pokken Tournament DX website – keep an eye out there to find out more! Pokken Tournament DX is out now for the Nintendo Switch.

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About the author

Sammy Cooper

UK-based fledgling games journalist. Recently graduated with a Games Journalism & PR degree from Staffordshire University. I love all things Nintendo, Overwatch, and Esports!
