
Ryan Reynolds Hopes Deadpool Will Meet up with The Avengers One Day

Deadpool has dreamed a big, expensive dream.

Everyone can dream right? Well Ryan Reynolds, the actor who has brought Deadpool to life in his own stand-alone film has a dream. And in his dream, one day Deadpool will be right along side The Avengers in a superhero showcase.

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But if you aren’t in the know about why that is a dream and not an obvious certainty, it comes down to Marvel and FOX. Before the Mouse House acquired Marvel Entertainment, Sony Pictures had already picked up the rights to Spider-Man as well as the various characters that fall under the X-Men umbrella, including Deadpool. So, although the X-Men are a part of the same comic book universe as Iron Man, The Cap, Black Widow, and Thor, cinematically, they don’t mix very well.

It’s not completely impossible. Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming have shown that much. Sony Pictures and Marvel have negotiated in the past so that Spider-Man could make an appearance in the movie that pitted heroes against heroes, but could it happen again in order to make room for Deadpool?

Although it isn’t known if anything like that past agreement is in the works for a Deadpool/Avengers crossover, Ryan Reynolds did talk about how much he hoped it would happen one day in an interview with Total Film, though staying realistic by saying that would be “a very expensive idea.” And not only would it be expensive, but because of Marvel’s paternership with Disney, it’s unlikely any film with Wade Wilson squaring off with or against The Avengers would be R-rated, something Reynolds wants to keep as a constant for the Deadpool films.

So it is unlikely we will see the Merc with a Mouth breaking bread with The Avengers anytime soon, but hey, the idea is out there now. Only time will tell if it struck some chords with the various executives that would have to get involved.

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Marissa Fiore

Hello, I'm Marissa (aka V0MIT_M0NSTER). I love video games, which I have been playing since I was four, and movies, which I have been watching even longer. That's why you'll see me bounce back and forth from Video Game and Movie news.
