
Here’s How Persona 5’s Cast Fit into the Series’ Character Tropes

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Protagonist – The Rebellious Youth

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While Persona 5’s hero is a silent protagonist, he does get a bit of personality through the text that you select in dialogue. Through this, as well as his Phantom Thief alter ego, you get get a glimpse at the rebellious spirit trapped inside of the protagonist. The protagonist has been dreadfully wronged by society, and this has motivated him to use his new-found power to change it.

Like many teenage heroes in RPGs, the Persona 5 protagonist holds his ideals close, and isn’t afraid to step on toes to meet his goals. He struggles against authority constantly and inspires others to do the same. In this case, that’s the Phantom Thieves. Despite his rebellious nature, the protagonist also has a quick wit and is always willing to drop a few jokes. Other protagonists in the Persona series bear some similarities as well, with Tatsuya from Persona 2 and Minato from Persona 3 also having a rebellious streak.

Morgana – The Mysterious Mascot

Morgana functions as the mascot character for Persona 5, just how Teddie did for Persona 4 and Koromaru for Persona 3. You’ll also notice that Morgana has a ton in common with Teddy. In both games, the protagonist and their best friend meet the mascot in the “other world,” and their power is essential for traversing this place. Teddie acts as the party’s guide through the TV world, while Morgana takes the party through the Metaverse.

Traditionally, many JRPGs have a cute mascot character, and oftentimes it’s a big mystery as to what they really are. These are characters like Mieu in Tales of the Abyss, Moogles in Final Fantasy, and Airy in Bravely Default. More often than not, these mascots play a vital role in the story, and what they really are is often one of the big mysteries.

Ryuji Sakamoto – The Misunderstood Hothead

Ryuji’s biggest flaw is how little he thinks things through before taking action. He always has to put on a tough act and usually has the physical abilities to back that act up. Within the party, Ryuji is always the melee character, hitting enemies hard with physical attacks. These characters are wild and unpredictable, often landing the party in difficult, but necessary situations.

Despite all of this, however, there’s a softer side to this character that the protagonist starts to see more and more of, while society continues to view them as an outcast. Oftentimes, there’s some kind of troubled past or trauma that has caused this character to put up their gruff act. In Ryuji’s case, the end of the track team labeled him as a delinquent, a label he finally just learned to accept. Kanji from Persona 4, Akihiko from Persona 3, and Eikichi from Persona 2 fall into this mold as well.

Ann Takamaki – The Socially Awkward Beauty

Ann is almost a big sister to the party in Persona 5, always trying to be as thoughtful as possible. Like other characters that fall into this trope, Ann is widely known for her incredible beauty. Unfortunately, this means a lot of people keep them at a distance, too afraid to get close. At the same time, this character feels a little socially awkward and doesn’t quite interact with others properly all the time.

There’s an incredible amount of self-doubt that Ann and other characters like this feel, often thinking they’ve let down those closest to them. Yukiko from Persona 4 and Mitsuru from Persona 3 also fit this trope well.

Yusuke Kitagawa – The Outsider

Yusuke is a bit different from the rest of the group, and other people in general. His demeanor, way of speaking, and general philosophy set him as a bit of a weirdo, although no less of a friend to the rest of the party. Most of the time, this character’s different personality comes from an abnormal upbringing, or some kind of trauma that causes them to live apart from others.

Yusuke has a hard time following some of what the party says, often missing their meaning entirely. This makes him a big comic relief character in Persona 5, as the game pokes fun at how different and proper he is. Other characters in this trope include Junpei from Persona 3, Baofu from Persona 2, and Naoto from Persona 4.

Makoto Niijima – The Overachiever

Makoto starts out investigating the rest of the party, even at odds with them for a time. Her intelligence and determination are great qualities, propelling her into the important position of Student Council President. This character always has to do more and is incredibly concerned with the quality of their work.

Makoto and other characters like this serve as advisers for the party, coming up with the plan of attack and encouraging the others to continue on. Naoto from Persona 4, Mitsuru from Persona 3, and Maya from Persona 2 also fall under this character category.

Futaba Sakura – The Recluse

Futaba prefers the comfort of her own home instead of spending time out with others. She’s horribly shy and has trouble interacting properly with others when out in public. This character is oftentimes one of the smarter members of the party, acting as a guide and coordinating activities. They also always have multiple interests to sink their time into, choosing them over people more often than not.

Futaba is a central member of the party in Persona 5, taking over for Morgana as mission control when she joins. Other characters like this in the Persona series include Fuuka from Persona 3, and Jun from Persona 2.

Haru Okamura – The Cunning But Naive One

Haru definitely has charisma and is a force to be reckoned with, however, she’s a bit naive when it comes to the real world. This character has a lot of learning and growing to do, although they’re still one of the most valuable members of the team. They serve as a backbone for the team more often than not, while the other members help educate them.

Haru may be one of the last characters to join the Phantom Thieves, but she’s no less valuable. Her sheltered upbringing has made her naive to how the world actually works, although she’s idealistic and confident. Other characters like this are Aigis and Ken from Persona 3, and Teddie from Persona 4.

Goro Akechi – The Wild Card

Goro is an unpredictable factor in Persona 5, as you don’t know whether he’ll end up helping or hindering the party. He interacts with the Phantom Thieves, although is unaware of their true identities for much of the game. This character is dangerously intelligent and acts on their own, in their own interests. They can be either a dangerous enemy or a valuable ally in the end.

Goro is a minor player in much of Persona 5’s story, although his role grows more and more prominent as events progress. Baofu from Persona 2, Shinji and Aigis from Persona 3, and Naoto and Adachi from Persona 4 also fall under this.

Sojiro Sakura – The Grumpy Old Man

Sojiro’s trope is probably the most obvious in Persona 5, and it’s something you see in many JRPGs. Sojiro takes in the protagonist at the beginning of the game and shows absolute disinterest in getting to know you. This character is exactly what he sounds like, the grumpy old man who doesn’t care about much outside of their own interests. However, as the story progresses, the old man begins to open up more and tells the hero about the demons of his past.

Sojiro and the protagonist’s relationship starts out fairly rocky, but the pair grow to respect each other by the end. Mutatsu from Persona 3, and Dojima from Persona 4 also fit this role.

About the author

Hayes Madsen

A connoisseur of all things RPG related, and always looking for the artistic expression in gaming. His love of Gundam is only matched by his love of Pizza. Playing Games Since: 1991 Favorite Genres: RPGs, JRPGs, Strategy,

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