
The Co-Founder of Nintendo of America, Alan Stone, Has Passed at 71

He helped bring Donkey Kong to the States.

nintendo, mario

Alan Stone, one of the co-founders of Nintendo of America has unfortunately passed away at the age of 71 due to cancer. In 1981, Stone played a huge role when it came to bringing coin-operated games like Donkey Kong and Radar Scope from Japan to America. Without his hard work and dedication, we might have never gotten a chance to rescue the Princess while playing as Jumpman (who was later renamed Mario).

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He worked for Nintendo for about 13 years until he, surprisingly, started working for Sega where he served as president and CEO of Sega Enterprises (now Sega Entertainment, the company’s arcade division) for a decade.

He eventually ended up working at NanoTech as a chief operating officer. NanoTech Media is a provider of IPTV technology for television and portable media devices.

If you would like to know more about Mr. Stone, you can watch this interview where he talks about the highlights of his career in the video game industry.

Our deepest sympathies go out to Alan Stone’s family and friends.


About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

Greysun Morales

Greysun eats ramen 12 times a week and will never get tired of it. Playing Games Since: 1993, Favorite Genres: Action-Adventure, JRPG, Platformers, and Anything With Ramen
