
New Fire Emblem Heroes Characters Are Coming

Four new lords were announced.

Fire Emblem Heroes Ephraim Eirika

Following the end of the Fire Emblem 0 (the Japan exclusive Fire Emblem trading card game) live stream, a surprise announcement was made for Fire Emblem Heroes. Four more characters have been announced in the form of two sets of siblings. Representing the Game Boy Advance’s Sacred Stones are Ephraim and Eirika while the Super Famicon’s (Japan’s Super Nintendo) Geneology of the Holy War are headlined by Seliph and Julia.

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Fire Emblem Heroes Ephraim Eirika Fire Emblem Heroes Seliph Julia

No dates have been announced as of yet, but now might be a good time to start saving orbs. Ephraim is traditionally a lance user, Eirika and Seliph both use swords while Julia should be a tome user of some sort (she started as a shaman in Geneology). The announcement was well received as Sacred Stones and the Tellius series (Path of Radiance and Radiant Darn) are the only western releases not included in the game so far. Of the five titles currently available in Heroes, The Binding Blade is the only game represented that was exclusive to Japan and even then, the game’s main protagonist Roy is very familiar to Super Smash Bros. players.

Fire Emblem Heroes can be downloaded free of charge on iOS and Android.

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About the author

Walter Mack

Holds a B.A. in English. Enjoys movies and Marvel comics. Currently owns a PS4. He can often be found cracking jokes that results in polite chuckles.
