
We Might Not See Xbox Scorpio Until E3

Can you wait that long?

microsoft, scorpio, resolutions, 2017, pro

Sony just launched its PlayStation 4 Pro in November, and Nintendo will give us our closest look yet at its upcoming Switch console during a live stream tonight, but it’s still unknown when we’ll actually see Microsoft’s Xbox Scorpio. In fact, Xbox head Phil Spencer claims he’s not even sure when it’ll be shown, but it might not be for about five more months.

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When asked on Twitter if Microsoft would show Scorpio before E3, Spencer said that he was “Honestly not sure yet but I know people want this.”

When another fan asserted that most gamers likely do indeed want to see the hardware before E3 and that feeling confident about the future of Xbox was more important than “winning” E3, Spencer agreed. “You are right, I’d add happiness with the product trumps all, confidence in brand is important. PR wins aren’t really my focus.”

E3 2017 is scheduled for June 13-15 in Los Angeles, with Microsoft likely hosting its annual pre-show media briefing on June 12. During its E3 2016 press conference, Microsoft took the opportunity to formally announce Xbox Scorpio and talk up its six teraflops of processing power. But the console holder didn’t show anything other than some shots of a motherboard that was unlikely final hardware.

Microsoft hasn’t always waited until E3 to show new hardware for the first time, though. The Xbox One debuted at an ad hoc Microsoft event in May of 2013 slightly ahead of E3. The company also tends to host a Spring Showcase event slightly before the start of spring to show off its upcoming games.


About the author

Nick Santangelo

Nick has been a gamer since the 8-bit days and has been reporting on the games industry since 2011. Don't interrupt him while he's questing through an RPG or desperately clinging to hope against all reason that his Philly sports teams will win something.
