
All Pokemon Sun and Moon Pokemon Leaked from the Demo

pokemon, sun and moon, side quest

Spoilers for Pokemon Sun & Moon Below

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The Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo is finally available for all to download and see if they have what it takes to be the very best trainer to ever grace the Alola Islands. While everyone is busy touring the available islands, some others managed to data mine the demo and pull a bunch of information, particularly about the Pokedex. Over 200 sprites have been revealed showing off many of the new Alola Pokemon, including the final evolutions of the three starters.

Below you’ll find all of the sprites revealed so far.

pokemon sun and moon rattata

pokemon sun and moon rattata shiny

pokemon sun and moon raticatebr4ncw







owyx1x5hucug 0rd72p vdbarz ysacfv 9rxpt5 7wobu5 8fnc5o fcqwzu cnklwh

osotjv wkeua2 nkyqw7 1jajj2 pn8rvu g3kygs s5zkdx huuarb d5nfjt u3ppjc

nutxpt xgdhcx kcsfsg qjmpey dokkwj 6okkar gsfvet jpqi6e 3vtokt w0fn0e

sepaym ranwj2 cnz4jy znnqp8 dipuov 7u1gmt krwg8b 2ianml zco1n7 rkmwpx

jpilo2-1 judoj9 1bzjjz e0tdrw e4ip1d ymz9nr xagq75 7lnwam gunrx6 fnxezo

ilii6w dclosq uxxzy2 kxmg72 jqwia9 5vjzsv k5lymo nlwfmh fpy24a pngnqd

hwzfoe wbzqph ytgvch ockkxw w1pn1x 57rber ibp6ao 4usb4t lqitoq i4lwbo

ftzyon h5ohfa g8howi mctcoq 1uga16 a56uxj tcftm4 pvjlrt tcqys2 lsws24-1

kfxeav wp1tv0 jgtznu 42hq4q 9o88zw jdxn1a ji5ojw xmu7ur 1ewuu8 mpsphd

rhtnxb xjcqxg dc2s59 xyu5zn lqzfzp nnxh1i snlnku 32g3kf dcjeis 3i8ibz

txrwrm ctlghq qbotrm z0ukoh ynp9zs fw0jpb jtpyna x0mqhy 6lhmmp qaafsd

r6vdes axka2y y7vkke 9e9lvs lcbqar 22cok8 emnulu rqgo1z qrqzyp i618ha

836z4r cr5duk nqvngr lrnvrg ypelrz xzrzsf fe72c2 icfksb dnidtk jwjt1d

vmahfz h0upsm kc97kz ewthwr 0eejpa 0xiwi2 wj0rri 3pimfm 9kbj4v m06lrv

dqi1pi dzojul swb5hz y8k4ch mr3bbx od2ii9 q9lf2d b1qrb0 wmyks1 mtfwus

zewcw5 lrgudc ouaz8e ftclxu cusgmz e7xmpt hs35gq nydku4 nldjf8 drwgl2

ah9jls sjbjnv vwaqke lpryql r0deh6 wm1tk7 8knfow rkpi4s vsp9rc eqze0w

wdnlwp 2l74dd bilogn 68snju yw9qgc cyhpi2 c7kxxl 9xs0wl vgqyry j1ccii

6t6uts szz1lc 2pa4l7 kej2rw ji0zyb 9pcvpu 3fonc7 0xk5w7 dgfq50 xpdzxu

y0m8h1 lidnpx 6267oq ixivxh uax617 epiyxt p27ad6 ypxtco vbivar gfszju

k5uzfl 1stfev hqk1lc zqrlvi v2virq m4urls sj3g8h

Make sure to check back in for updates as more of the Pokemon Sun and Moon creatures are revealed.

About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
