While Nintendo’s upcoming hybrid system, Switch, will likely come with many new features and benefits, it’s the controller that’s drawing everyone’s attention at first glance. With its two detachable Joy-Con Controllers, Nintendo has put some real effort into allowing players the freedom to play in their own way.
For those that play on-the-go, the Joy-Con controllers can be attached to a portable screen, allowing users to use the Switch in the same way that they would a Nintendo DS or PSP. Whereas in the past, systems have been designed to be played either on the move or in one place, this new hybrid design allows for both. The Joy-Cons are designed so that you can rest the portable screen down on a table and still play with a controller in each hand.
These mini Joy-Con controller also appear to be adaptable to be used in a local co-op environment with Nintendo’s latest trailer for the Switch demonstrating how games such as Mario Kart will use the innovative Joy-Con design to allow two players to play simultaneously.
For those who prefer their gaming console based, the new console has that covered, as well. With a “classic” designed controller also available, the system allows you to play at home in front of the television as you would on a PS4 or Xbox One.
In one final crossover between portable and stationary, users will also be allowed to use the Portable Joy-Con modules, as you would the traditional controller if you wish to do so.
The Switch and its controllers will hit the Market March 2017, at which point you’ll be able to hold the controller pretty much any way you want to!
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This post was originally written by Jared Moore.