
No Man’s Sky: Is There Multiplayer?

Multiplayer- No Man’s Sky

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Space can be a scary thing especially when you have to forge and fight to survive, but nothing can beat out the crushing feeling of being alone. Players might see some ships flying around and might want to meet up with their friends to explore new unknown planets together. This raises the question of if there is multiplayer in No Man’s Sky and the answer is somewhat complicated.

PC and PlayStation 4 have different servers so there will be no cross-platform meetups, that’s for sure. Even if you and a friend have the game on the same platform, the chances of both of you meeting are extremely low. In fact according to Sean Murray, the Founder of Hello Games, the chance of players ever running into each other is zero percent.

Though there are ways to tell that other people are in the same area as you, such as scanning for nearby discoveries or simply seeing a world being named after the most popular meme at the time, you will most likely not see anyone. This means that in the traditional sense, No Man’s Sky does not have multiplayer. It looks like space will remain one of mankind’s loneliest adventures. While you might travel the universe alone, that doesn’t mean you can’t get help online. Feel free to check out our robust wiki full of guides and tips.

For more No Man’s Sky tips and tricks, check out our Ultimate Guide filled with everything you need to know, or some of our most requested guides below.

About the author

Shai Anne Perez

A dislocated New Yorker just looking for a good bagel. She has come to the point in her life where she forgets which games she owns and thus has a horrible backlog. One day she hopes to finish them off, but after finishing Digimon Cyber Sleuth which she is trying to 100%.
