
10 of the Hardest Trophies and Achievements You’ll Never Own

The things we do for 10 Gamerscore.

Olli Olli, achievements

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There are very few things in gaming as rewarding as Trophies or achievements. While they are completely superficial at first glance, these rewards can help showcase your skill to the gaming community. They act as a nice way to show the world just how skilled of a player you are as many Trophies/achievements are only unlocked after completing a certain challenge. That’s not to say there aren’t easy ones out there, but most of these rewards are meant to be of moderate difficulty.

However, once in a while an achievement comes along that is nothing short of utterly frustrating. For whatever reason, some developers put some insane stipulations in order to actually acquire that precious Gamerscore. When looking over the massive list of Trophies and achievements, we are ranking them based off of the sheer difficulty factor alone. Certain achievements/Trophies are borderline impossible to complete for one reason or another, but we are not including glitched achievements. This list is also in no particular order since all of these achievement/Trophies are equally insane. If you are an owner of any of these we have to tip our hat to you and your dedication to the achievement/ Trophy cause.

 Rapid Discord – Overwatch

Overwatch, Zenyatta, all heroes

While this may be the easiest achievements on our list, make no mistake this is a brutal one to unlock. In order to unlock this, you must get four kills or assists with Zenyatta’s Orb of Discord within six seconds. It sounds easy until you realize that not only is Zenyatta one of the weakest heroes in Overwatch sporting a meager health pool of 150 and no evasion to speak of. Basically, he is a flimsy floating robot with a massive hitbox.

This achievement comes down to raw skill, speed, and a lot of luck. If the enemy team’s composition isn’t weak enough you will not have enough time to work your way through them. As someone who’s played nearly 20+ hours on Zenyatta alone, I have yet to come across a situation where I could land four Orbs of Discord in a row. Oh, and did we mention that it can only be in Quick or Competitive Play? Yeah, so no luck on the Support-focused Weekly Brawl. May the Iris embrace you.

 The Real End – Super Meat Boy

super meat boy, platinum, ps4, trophies

Just getting to the point where you can unlock this achievement may have you pulling your hair out. In order to unlock The Real End you will need to complete The Dark World, which is only unlocked once you’ve beaten the par time on every single level. These are the cruelest and most difficult stages in the entire game that will truly put your reflexes to the test. Finally, in order to complete The Real End, you will also need to vanquish a Dark world boss, which is no walk in the park. The only saving grace about this achievement is that you only need to complete 85 of the 100 Dark World stages. Thanks?

 The Chosen One – OlliOlli 2: Welcome To Olliwood

vita, playstation, best, games, must, have, all, time

OlliOlli 2 is already a challenging game, but in order to unlock The Chosen One Trophy you’ll need to complete RAD mode. How do you unlock RAD mode? Oh nothing too difficult, just beat all 25 stages on both amateur and pro difficulty with all 250 challenges completed. If that’s not frustrating enough, once you actually unlock RAD mode it will push your timing to the test. In RAD mode you fail instantly if all of your grinds, jumps, and tricks are nothing short of perfect. Good luck fellow rebel skateboarders, you’re going to need it.

 Personal Decorator – Call of Duty: Black Ops III


To fully grasp the level of tasks you need to finish for the Personal Decorator Trophy, just take a look at the list below. Remember, every single one of these tasks must be completed in order to obtain this rare Trophy.

  • Obtain all campaign weapons, attachments, and camos
  • Fully upgrade all cyber cores
  • Complete the campaign on Veteran difficulty
  • Complete the campaign on Realistic difficulty
  • Unlock and buy all weapons, lethals, tacticles, and CyberCombat abilities.
  • Beat every mission at least once on Veteran without restarting from a checkpoint
  • Complete all accolades for every mission
  • Locate all collectibles in the campaign
  • Neutralize 2000 hostiles
  • Earn a minimum score of 35,000 in the Training Simulator
  • Complete all campaign challenges
  • Earn all campaign decorations

Now that doesn’t sound so bad, does it? Yeah, I think we’ll pass on going for this one.

 Seven Day Survivor – Dead Rising

dead rising

Dead Rising is a carefree zombie game that lets you dress hero Frank West in a dress and bash undead heads in with an electric shovel. Sounds like a good time, right? Well, it’s not all fun and games, as Dead Rising’s Infinity Mode will push you to your absolute limit. As the name implies, this is a never-ending mode where you will need to constantly find food for health and fight off the hordes of undead. In order to unlock the Seven Day Survivor achievement, you will need to simply last a full week inside of the mall, which on paper seems like a fairly easy task. Well, it turns out that seven in game days transfers to 14 hours straight in real life and you cannot save at all. Who needs sleep anyway.

 Shenanigans! – Cloudberry Kingdom

Cloudberry Kingdom

Cloudberry Kingdom doesn’t seem like it would be a difficult game, what with the charming art direction and fun platforming sections. In order to get the Shenanigans! achievement you will need to beat Chapter 7  which includes Level 319. It’s a fairly short section, but the sheer chaos that is this level makes it nearly impossible. Not only do you have to avoid the lasers, but all of the swing balls and buzzsaws too. Windows for jumping are nearly pixel perfect and you have to basically memorize every single stage hazard in 319. For those going after this achievement, there is no doubt that this stage will be seared into their minds for eternity.

 Mr. Perfect – Mega Man 10 Mega Man X

When Mega Man 10 released it was hailed as a glorious return to form for the beloved platformer. Thankfully, we don’t judge games by how difficult their achievements are because Mr. Perfect seems borderline impossible for anyone that’s not a pure Mega Man expert. As the name implies, all you have to do is beat the entire game without getting hit once. That doesn’t sound too difficult until we remember this is a Mega Man game and enemies are quite ruthless. One mistake can cost you the entire run, so you’ll have to essentially memorize enemy placement on every single level. At least there’s no absurd time constraint.

 Bloody Feet – Guitar Hero: Smash Hits

Guitar Hero

As someone who’s been playing the drums for nearly 15 years now, I can tell you that unlocking this achievement is pretty much impossible. To net this one, you will need to complete the Slayer song Raining Blood on expert while playing the drums. Here’s the thing about this song, the drummer uses two kick pedals which is a notable feature lacking with the Guitar Hero drum kit. So unless you want to go out and buy a second kick pedal, you’d better kiss this achievement goodbye. Or you can just defy all logic and become one of the fastest single pedal drummers in existence. What, you thought being a rock star was easy?

 The Shadows Rushed Me – Max Payne 3
Max Payne 3

Oh look, an achievement that has an absurd time restraint and requires you to not die once. In order to get The Shadows Rushed Me, you will have to complete New York Minute Hardcore mode. In order to even unlock this mode you will have to beat the game twice, with the second attempt being in New York Minute mode. What’s so punishing about this difficulty setting is that you have 1 minute per each level and every kill will add more time to your countdown. Essentially you have to rush through a level, landing perfect headshots, and have an acute knowledge of enemy placement. What do you get for beating this controller-snapping mode? Ten gamerscore or a silver Trophy, awesome.

 Crush Them With One Swift Stroke… – Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront

We’re convinced that the people at DICE have joined The Sith after reading the requirements for this Trophy. To get “Crush them with one swift stroke…” you will need to trample 25 soldiers with an AT-ST during a single match. The difficulty of this trophy may not set in until you have  actually driven one of these walkers, as they are a giant beacon for a variety of explosive ordinance. It doesn’t help that the AT-ST can be heard a mile away, so good luck trying to sneak up on rebel soldiers.

Which achievement or trophy has haunted your gaming career? Is there one that you’re particularly proud of obtaining? Let us know in the comments below!


About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

Collin MacGregor

Collin is a Senior Staff Writer for Twinfinite and is a lover of all things horror. When he's not healing his teammates in Overwatch, raiding in Destiny, making poor choices in Dark Souls, or praying for a new Ape Escape you can find him writing for Twinfinite.net and Nerd Much.com.
