
Destiny: Rise of Iron – Everything We Know So Far

The Lords of Iron will be pleased.

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Release Date and Price

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Rise of Iron

Probably one of the most pertinent pieces of information regarding Destiny’s upcoming expansion, Rise of Iron, is its release date, followed by its price. During the live stream put on by Bungie, both of these pieces of information were provided. Guardians will be able to dive into the new locations and activities on Sept. 20, 2016, just over a full year after the release of The Taken King. It won’t be a free update though, this will cost you $30.

It’s cheaper than the last major expansion, which was $40, but still priced higher than any of the smaller packs that came as part of the Expansion Pass in year one. Based on the amount of content touted as being included, this seems right within the reason when looking at previous offerings.

Pre-Order Bonuses

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So far only one pre-order bonus has been revealed, but it’s definitely one that has fans excited. Pre-ordering Destiny: Rise of Iron gets you an Iron Gjallarhorn. That’s the fan-loved exotic with all of the same cool rockets, but this time it’s black and chrome. It’s a very pretty weapon, and sure to bring a smile to those who knew the joys of Wolfpack Rounds during year one’s faces.

There hasn’t been any other content mentioned. Perhaps the studio learned from the backlash surrounding The Taken King, or are waiting to reveal more on a later date. 

What’s It About?

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Destiny: Rise of Iron will follow a new story revolving around the Iron Lords. If that faction sounds familiar, it’s because Lord Saladin, the Guardian who runs the Iron Banner, is an Iron Lord himself. He and his comrades sealed a powerful mechanical plague that threatened to wipe out humanity and the Light. That plague has risen from its slumber thanks to the Fallen that are trying to harness its power.

Players will join Lord Saladin as he seeks to put the plague back to rest. This will take players to brand new locations around Earth as well as bring them into contact with the Lords of Iron… in a way. Saladin’s legend will be laid out for all to see and admire, and players themselves will be able to join the ranks of his exclusive faction.

There’s no telling what players will have to do to make the sacrifices of the Lords of Iron stand strong, but it will be interesting to watch for sure. 

Is There a New Raid?

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Bungie confirmed that there will in fact be a brand new raid that will come as part of Destiny: Rise of Iron. Unfortunately, they didn’t give many details regarding what players can expect. The developers did show off some interesting imagery, though. It seems as if Guardians may end up diving into the heart of the plague to put an end to the threat once and for all.

Another image depicted was eloquently referred to as some sort of “Death Zamboni.” It looked like a huge tank with Devil Walker pieces attached to it. It covered the entire platform as a team of six Guardians. ran for their lives. Could it be some new type of frenetic challenge players will need to get through? Or perhaps a new type of boss encounter? We’ll find out more as the release of Destiny: Rise of Iron moves closer. 

New Locations

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Destiny: Rise of Iron will do more than introduce a new story and items, there are some new locations to explore as well. They are on earth, but these aren’t the areas you’ve already seen… except for one:

  • The Plaguelands: This will be one of the main areas of your new adventure. It’s a new Patrol area on earth that has been overrun with the new “spliced” Fallen.
  • Felwinter Peak: An area which will prove to be important to the story of the Lords of Iron.
  • The Wall:  This is actually the wall where Destiny first begins the first time you load up the game. This time you’ll be able to explore the top of and inside the wall.

These were the only three areas revealed so far. Over the summer we’ll receive more information on the raid location and new PvP maps. 

New PvE Content

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Aside from a confirmed raid and the brand new campaign, Bungie also revealed other new PvE content that players will be able to enjoy alone or with a Fireteam:

  • New Strikes: New challenges designed for Fireteams will be introduced to challenge players with new locations and bosses.
  • Updated Strikes: Some of the older Strikes will be receiving a fresh coat of paint with new challenges and possibly new enemies just like in The Taken King.
  • New Patrols: New random missions for Factions will appear in the world, giving you something to do as you enjoy the sights.
  • New Public Events: These are rare occurrences that happen during patrol that can grant you daily rewards and other cool things. There’s no details yet on what these will be, but some will see huge flaming battle-axes drop.

Now you have a reason to get the gang back together. It’s time to push the Darkness back, Guardians. 

New PvP Content

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Of course, not everyone is into the PvE side of Destiny. For those who prefer their opponents to be more… human, Rise of Iron will be introducing some new content for PvP as well:

  • New Features: No specific details have been provided, but there will be new mechanics and other features introduced into the Crucible, as well as updates to the Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris.
  • New Mode: There will be a brand new mode. No details were revealed, but it’s apparently very exciting.
  • New Maps: It would be cool to see a map or two take place in the new areas shown off.

Of course, these new elements will provide new rewards as well such as the mysterious Trials gear pictured above, gotta love that cat pauldron. 

Will the Light Level Be Increased?

desitny, rise of iron

Yes, Destiny’s Light Level will be increased when Rise of Iron releases later this year. There was no specific number given, as the developers are still working on the specifics to keep everything balanced. What was shared was that the Light Level increase will be a significant jump over the current level.

Even though it’s not specific, fans can expect to increase all of their favorite weapons and gear to even more powerful forms thanks to this upcoming jump. It’s time to start hitting the current max if you’re going to have any hope of surviving the Rise of Iron. 

You’ll Gain Rewards From Fallen Lords of Iron

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One thing that was made clear was that the Lords of Iron sacrificed themselves years ago, leaving only Lord Saladin. He now uses the Iron Banner to train Guardians against future threats. Until now, all rewards have come directly from him, but that will change when Destiny: Rise of Iron releases.

No major details were given, but you ill be able to earn the favor of the fallen Lords of Iron. There seem to be four based on the images that were shown, but it’s unclear if they will require different things in order to appease them. It seems as if they’ve become like gods, but time will tell. 

Gjallarhorns for All!!

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Okay, they’re not just handing them out as soon as you install the Rise of Iron expansion (unless you pre-order, of course). But there is a quest where you will actually forge your own brand new Gjallarhorn that has been upgraded to Year Two status. Actually, it may be stronger than your typical Year Two weapon thanks to the large bump in Light Level in store for players.

It’s been a long requested weapon ever since it was passed over during The Taken King. The Gjallarhorn has a long history with the Destiny community, so it’s good to see its triumphant return to the battlefield. It’s also not surprising that Bungie decided to make it a quest reward, rather than leave it up to RNG, as the Gjallarhorn became a hot topic when certain players were using it for exclusionary purposes. Keeping the field level shows Bungies commitment to the game and the community.

That’s everything we know so far about Destiny: Rise of Iron. Be sure to check back in for updates as Bungie releases more information in the coming months.

Safe travels, Guardians.

About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
