
Overwatch: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Be the best hero around.

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Do the Tutorialoverwatch

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When you first boot up Overwatch, you’re probably going to want to dive directly into the action. There’s just something special about the way you can decimate others in this game that helps it stand out among all of the other shooters out there. But, it is different enough to warrant the tutorial.

Don’t worry, it isn’t very long, and it will get you comfortable with the controls, no matter who you decide to use. For instance, you might jump into battle with a random character and try to sprint, only to realize that’s not how it works in Overwatch. Same thing with weapons. Not everyone gets multiples. So sit back, and spend the five minutes it takes to become acquainted. 

Try A Few Characters Before Deciding on “The One”

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Overwatch has quite a few characters, and all of them are just as unique as they are badass. Not every character will be easy to use for every player. Each one fits an archetype (Tank, Support, etc.), so finding the archetypes most to your liking is the first step. After that, give each character a try.

You may start with one character and instantly click, only to later find another character with which you click even more. You have plenty of time, so give everyone a fair chance, especially in different game types. It’s beneficial to be proficient with more than one character, that way you can fill any role. 

Even Your Favorite Character Isn’t Good For Everything


After you picked “the one,” go pick another one. There are several game modes in Overwatch, and each require specific skills in order for you to emerge triumphant. For example, Reaper is a solid choice with his healing and ability to avoid damage, but he is very slow when compared to other options, and doesn’t have the best of range. You may not want to use him if you’re escorting because it will take forever to get back to the objective if you die.

By that same token, you may not want a super DPS heavy character when defending something. Let your team handle damage and pick a defense character for yourself to maintain control. Overwatch isn’t a game where one character is the solution for all problems. So get out there and play smart. 

Overwatch Is a Squad-Based Shooter


It’s easy to get caught up in all of the excitement during an Overwatch match. You may get carried away and leave your post to chase down an opponent, and that’s exactly what they want you to do. Each character has a role on the battlefield, and when using them for that role you will get the most out of them.

Support characters are able to kill just like any other character, but they are best when kept back away from battle so that they can keep offense-focused characters in the fight. Leaving your post while a battle is going down can easily lead to your team being wiped out, just because you, the support, stepped away.

Overwatch is not a game that only rewards the person with a lot of kills. You can get no kills whatsoever and still be just as important as the player who got them all. You can only win as a team, remember that. 

Pay Attention to Team Tips


When choosing your character, pay attention to the right side of the screen. Here is where Overwatch’s Team Tips will display. What are Team Tips? Well they are information that help you better formulate your team.

The tips will inform you if you have too many of a type of character, not enough, or none at all. They aren’t mandatory orders or anything like that, rather they’re suggestions for getting together the six best possible characters you can.

If you’ve been following the last few tips we gave you, you should now be comfortable with a couple of different characters. Using your knowledge of multiple characters and the Team Tips to see your team’s needs, you should be able to fill in any gaps and keep your unit strong. 

Don’t Forget Your Loot Boxes


Loot boxes are rewarded to players for leveling up. They contain cosmetic items such as skins, sprays, and voice overs for players to customize their experience. They are completely random, and they don’t give you any advantages in battle (nor should they), but they are neat ways to customize your experience.

Simply head to the main menu, choose Loot Box and cash in your prizes. 

Hero Information is Always Available to You


Every hero in Overwatch has a particular set of skills. Not all are the same, and not everyone has the same number. If you find yourself at a loss for what your current character does, simply press F1 or left on the d-pad on whatever controller you’re using. This will bring up an explanation of every single ability at your disposal.

It’s not on a toggle, so you don’t have to worry about it getting stuck on your screen. Just hit the button to get a quick refresher and then get back to wrecking house. 

Make Your Ultimates Count


Every hero in Overwatch has an Ultimate ability. This could either heal everyone, make you temporarily unstoppable, deal a ton of damage to a small area, or any number of other cool things. Your Ultimate charges over time, but that can be expedited by getting Eliminations.

Each Ultimate, no matter who you’re using, is very potent, and can turn the tide of a fight. So don’t use it just because you have it. You may only get one shot during a match, so make it count and bring your team the win.

These few tips will help you grow accustomed to the frantic nature of Overwatch. The game can seem a bit intimidating at first, but dive on in and enjoy the action.

About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
