
Troy Baker Just Put a Target On his Back at the Game Awards

It's going down.

The Game Awards are best known for world reveals and celebrity appearances, so no one was really surprised when Troy Baker showed up to take the stage. The voice actor with a ton of range showed up dressed to the nines and gave a little speech for those who wanted to be aspiring voice actors.

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“Save up your money for a microphone. Then, wait for me and Nolan North to die.”

Well, that was certainly unexpected. He may have just put out an invitation for anyone who wanted to make it in the voice acting gig to come after him and North. Anyone heard from Nolan? This is about to be the most violent game of hide and seek ever.

Hopefully we don’t hear about North running away in terror from the Game Awards. That would be weird…and kinda hilarious. Some people may start accepting that challenge.

Have a good time at the Game Awards, Mr. Baker and North! That is… if you survive.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
